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Kate Chopin

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Annotated bibliography of Kate Chopin
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Student name Institution Instructor Date Annotated bibliography of Kate Chopin Emily, Toth. Unveiling Kate Chopin. Mississippi: University Press of Mississippi, 1999. Emily Toth delivers a story about Kate, a young lady who spent most of her early years in the hands of the nuns. Kate was educated by the wealthy widows but was later depressed when the soldiers assaulted her. This put her down but she later regained her stability. Kate rose to become one of the greatest writers of her time. Lorraine, Eliot. The Real Kate Chopin. Pittsburgh: Dorrance Pub Co, 2002. Eliot develops a story that carries events of Kate Chopin. Eliot illustrates that struggles that Chopin had to undergo as a women. The author of this book displays that various responsibilities that Chopin had to put up with and still emerge as a successful writer. This story is quite inspiring and motivating.  HTMLCONTROL Forms.HTML:Hidden.1  Emily, Toth & Per Seyersted. Kate Chopin's Private Papers. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1998. The authors of this book put into perspective all the literary materials developed by Kate Chopin. Three stages of Chopin are highlighted in this book. The unmarried Chopin forms the first stage. The married and then the widowed Chopin form the other two stages. The authors give a description of the poems, papers and diaries written by Chopin. Her critics’ comments are also highlighted. Janet, Beer. The Cambridge Companion to Kate Chopin. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008. Janet Beer is an editor of a collection of literary materials that display the works of Chopin. Janet illustrates the chronology of events that must have influenced Chopin’s way of expression. According to Janet, Chopin’s voice is quite strong and a mix of both American and French tone. Chopin’s books and diaries are highlighted in this book. Chopin’s the awakening book is one particular novel that is greatly emphasized in this book. Kate, Chopin. Kate Chopin: Complete Novels and Stories. NY: Library of America, 2002. This book gives an account of Chopin’s life and struggles she underwent. Having lost both her husband and mother at a very tender age, Chopin’s had to live a life full of struggles especially after being left with a business that was heavily in debt. She had to work so hard to rise up into the ladders of professionalism as a woman. Kate, Chopin. The Complete Works of Kate Chopin. Isleworth: Louisiana State University Press, 2006. Kate Chopin's books mainly talked about issues surrounding women in the world. It is greatly for this reason that she became known as a feminist writer. In this book, Kate Chopin's highlights her books in which she addresses many issues on women discrimination and freedom. She addresses the issues of women freedom from oppression. Lynda, Boren & Sara, Davis. Kate Chopin Reconsidered. Isleworth: Louisiana State University Press, 1999. This collection of 14 essays illustrates the life and works of Kate Chopin's. Having been married for only a few years when her husband died, she was left to run a business that was greatly in debt. She overcame all the obstacles and wrote about issues that had always been kept as secrets. She dealt with discrimination and women harassment in the society. K...
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