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Communications & Media
Article Critique
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Analysis Article 1 – Using Facebook for Engaging Customers

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Public Relations

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Article Analysis
Article 1 – Using Facebook for Engaging Customers
The article published by Bertschek and Kesler (2017) focused on successful engagement with the customers of Gillette and Tesla by using Facebook (See Figure 1). Gillette is the leading brand in the grooming industry for men while Tesla is almost a monopolist in electric vehicles. In personal opinion, the article proposed by Bertschek and Kesler (2017) is a positive testimonial for Gillette and Tesla, particularly in the age of digitalization and information technology (IT).
The authors discussed the excellence of Gillette while interacting with the audience for promoting the product for assisted shaving. Similarly, it is found that Tesla tends gathering customer complaints on social media, which kept a sense of relevance among the customers significantly. The article titled Tesla and Gillette as the progressive companies regarding customer orientation. The specified brands tend using Facebook and various social media channels for launching new products and gaining customer insights subsequently.
The public relation message highlighting progression and customer-orientation offered by Gillette and Tesla targets the households and automobile enthusiasts worldwide. It indicates that the two leading brands in the respective industries devised the product development, product portfolio, and business models particularly for the target markets, namely households and automobile enthusiasts specifically.
Since the article is a recent publication on Harvard Business Review (HBR), it is evident that the copies, particularly digital, are reaching the global audiences of specified target markets with the utmost intensity. This article is a relevant and healthy document, which adds value to the brand image of Gillette and Tesla at a noticeable degree. It highlights the intention of the social presence of the two leading brands through a reliable platform.
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