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1 page/β‰ˆ275 words
3 Sources
Health, Medicine, Nursing
Article Critique
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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$ 4.32

Diagnostic Decision Support

Article Critique Instructions:

Please read the article and summarize arguments AGAINST Diagnostic Decision Support. Find and review three additional related literature to support your arguments through evidence (e.g research studies and position papers written by professional bodies). Your findings and arguments should be specific to the eHealth application under diagnostic decision support. 
The most important thing is the link to the three sources and bullet points are ok since I will use this information to provide to a group. references under points and relation are needed.

Article Critique Sample Content Preview:

Arguments Against Diagnostic Decision Support
Institutional Affiliation
Arguments Against Diagnostic Decision Support
Self-administered computerized assessments of diseases are dependable, equitable and effective CITATION Tho04 \l 1033 ( Thomas, et al., 2004). According to Hesse and Shneiderman (2007), eHealth is important in providing the right information to the right person at the right time. However, Thomas et al. (2004) identified that computerized tests are not popular among patients who have the following characteristics:
* Suggestively young persons
* Less likely to be married
* Less liable to be financially stable
* Less likely to endorse their general practitioner to a friend
In support, Berner (2009) states that the majority of the published assessments of the influence of computerized systems on health care quality are done on bedridden instead of outpatient situations. Additionally, Berner (2009) states that most of the research is done in large academic medical centers, that have adequate resources such as knowledge, time and infrastructure to install and maintain the systems.
Thomas et al. (2004) states that assessments done in s...
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