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Undocumented Immigrants and College Financial Help

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Allowing undocumented immigrants in the U.S. to receive financial aid for college is simply un-American. Alabama Senator Jeff Session argues the Dream Act is fundamentally flawed because it does not require its recipients to finish their degree, it gives amnesty to students who have committed crimes like driving under the influence, and it gives illegal immigrants all the rights of legal immigrants, which is unfair (NumbersUSA, 2010). Imagine if I moved to Mexico and expected the Mexican government to pay for me to go to college? They would laugh me out of the country, right? So it is just as ludicrous to pass the Dream Act. 
NumbersUSA. (2010, December 17). Sen. sessions: 10 reasons to oppose Dream Act. Retrieved from https://www(dot)numbersusa(dot)com/content/news/december-17-2010/sen-sessions-10-reasons-oppose-dream-act.html

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Financial help
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Financial help
The Dream Act has been surrounded by massive debates, especially on whether to allow undocumented immigrants to the United States to receive college financial aid or not. Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions argues against the Dream Act by only looking at the matter in terms of unfairness and absurdity, which is not adequately justified. Looking at the economic benefits the Dream Act would bring along, there is no doubt it should be implemented. A research on the economic benefits the Dream Act would bring was conducted by Juan Carlos and Raul Jara, which showed that if the United States was to allow the passage of the Dream Act, $329 billion would be added to the U.S. economy. Further, 1.4 million new jobs would be created by the year 2030, showcasing the potential of the proposal that is to boost economic growth as well as enhance the nation’s fiscal health (Juan & Raul, 2012).
The Dream Act would be a step towards fixing the broken immigration system. It will create a path for the bright, hardworking and the talented young people who grew in America to achieve their dreams as well as legalize their dreams. Providing worthwhile pathways to legalization will help to lift the young people out of poverty and in...
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