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7 pages/β‰ˆ1925 words
7 Sources
Business & Marketing
Case Study
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Perform an Internal Analysis of J&J Electrical Contractors

Case Study Instructions:
The Assignment: Perform an Internal Analysis of J & J Electrical Contractors from your case study document. See the case study guideline for specific information on this assignment. With regards to the financial analysis, you should include common size income statements and an evaluation of key financial ratios. In the latter case, you should evaluate the last two years to allow you to compare and to develop some trends. Clearly, any additional commentary would be appropropriate. (Ref Moodle tool, Table 4-1 of your text for guidance) Find the attachments please.
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Internal Analysis of J & J Electrical Contractors
Over the resent past years, many companies have been started by their pioneer founders with a goal of providing the world with something better than and new. Most of these companies have been cropped out from scratch by owners who either defected from other companies or had the desire to create newness. Some of the companies are managed by families or a circle of close friends. Additionally, most of these companies are focused around construction, technical work, electrical installation and maintenance. Furthermore, they are regional based as most of them are just beginning in the commercial or domestic sector.
The analysis below is about a middle fledged company, which unlike any average middle fledged companies, went out of its way to penetrate the market and deliver astounding results and grows to pose as a threat to its rival companies and competitors. The discussion tackles how the company J & J Electricals Contractors Ltd came to be and how they rose through the market to become leaders of the market. It further discusses the SWOT analysis of the company in which is the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and the threats facing the company. Finally the content will cover the proposed solutions to the company`s problems.
J&J Electrical contractors is actually a good instance of a regional business that is family owned by Joan who is the CEO and his wife known as Jean Aberbathy who is on the other hand the CFO. The company deals with electrical contracting for heavy industrial installations, commercial and office buildings, educational institutions, public works, and many specialized systems including maintenance services. The company is under the license of state of California. The firm is competing severely with other with other large electrical contractors in that...
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