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HRM443 Case Study 1: Determine Potential Layoff Candidates?

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HRM443 Case Study 1: Determine Potential Layoff Candidates?

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Case Study 1: layoff decision

1] What criteria should be used to determine potential layoff candidates? What emphasis if any should be given to non-job related factors such as personal problems or a spouse need to work? Explain your answer
Firstly, the company needs to identify skills that will be required for the employees to remain in the company. The merit-based selection, skills based and multiple criteria ranking are all taken into account when identifying employees for layoff (, 2012). In other words, these strategies should be based on objective criteria such as productivity, seniority and impact on sales revenue. Other than this is, the subjective criteria like the ability to learn new skills and quality of work as they influenced the overall productivity over time. These criteria should be applied consistently to avoid bias and discrimination.
2] What should be included in a severance package for laid-off employees? How long should the severance package last?
The severance pay should be based on the time spent in the company, since those who have served for longer time would ordinary receive higher terminal benefits. Additionally, the insurance benefits (COBRA coverage) and outplacement services should be taken into account while calculating the severance package (Snell & Bohlander, 2012). The severance package should be dependent on the time spent working for the company and likelihood that they will get employed.
3] Are there any potential legal implications in Martinez's decision?
There are legal ramifications for laying off workers since there is a stipulated period of ...
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