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4 pages/≈1100 words
4 Sources
Business & Marketing
Case Study
English (U.S.)
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Sales Management

Case Study Instructions:
This Case study needs to be custom written Masters level APA format with 3 citations with a cover and reference page please!! Please follow the following format: Since this is a formal analysis, you are to write in a style that reflects formal, collegiate level work. This will include an objective perspective, 3rd person voice, lack of contractions/slang/expressions. Any references should contain appropriate citing. Failure to do so will affect your grade. There are many ways to look at a single case study. First, look for questions that need to be answered. Look for issues, constraints, potential problems and what needs to be changed that would perhaps strengthen the company, create growth, or increase profits. There are numerous ways to organize and write a case study. For this course, a case study analysis should include a "Statement of the problem," "a Summary of the Facts," "Analysis," and "Recommendation(s)." Statement of the Problem(s) State in a few sentences the problem (or you may want to think about “issues” if the word problem causes you confusion) that exists within the case study. There may be multiple problems. Always keep your audience (a Board of Directors who may have hired you) in mind while formulating the problem statement; they may have opposing views on the situation. Note that some cases do not have a recognizable “problem”. In these cases you may be asked to state what decisions you would make for the future of the company. Summary of the Facts Briefly, sum up the facts in the case that are relevant to the stated issue(s)/problem(s). It may include pertinent history or background information, industry trends, or other relevant data. Analysis Analysis is often the most difficult portion of the case to write and should be completed before any attempt to develop physically the writing of the case. The tools associated with analysis are comparison, contrast, and synthesis. Comparison is looking for and then finding similarities among other elements being analyzed. Contrast is looking for and finding differences between elements. Synthesis is integrating the information and formulating a consistent interpretation of the case. Other tools include performing an Environmental Scan, a SWOT analysis, or simply listing pros and cons to several key alternatives. Recommendations This section provides direction. Based on the information and analysis, state your recommendations. This is your "argument." Using the information of the case and the analysis, you "argue" that certain steps should or should not be taken. Your audience must be able to understand the reasons for your recommendations. These recommendations should not be summative in nature, but specific. It is not appropriate from a consultant position to simply suggest "more research" unless you define who, what, where, how, why. Nor should you recommend hiring a consultant. Essentially, you ARE the hired consultant. Tell the "audience" how to fix the problem(s) and why your solution will work. Conclusion This section is for any concluding remarks that may be necessary. Not all case studies need this section because concluding remarks may have been made in the recommendation section. I. Statement of the Problem II. Summary of the Facts III. Analysis IV. Recommendations V. Conclusion Please use this case study on Omnico, Inc. for order number #00012307
Case Study Sample Content Preview:
IMPORTANCE OF MAINTAINED CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIPS Name: Grade Course: Tutor`s Name: (15th, January, 2011) Importance of Maintained Customer Relationships * Statement of the problem The company is being threatened by an impending extinction from its business operations as a result of customer lose. This is a fact that of critical importance and should be considered with utmost keenness. OMNICO has been operation for two decades with great leadership, strong sales force and an experienced sales manager, its inability to retains its customers through lose by the small sales team is likely to expose the company to stiff competition from other companies that offer similar services and goods. The ability of a company to retain its customers by establishing long term rapport with its customers yield the company a lot of benefits when it comes to its success and sustainable operation in the competitive world of business (Foss & Stone, 2001). * Summary of the Facts, Therefore the idea of the sales manager to make use of golf to enhance customer retention is the best idea that the rest of the staff members who are against it should give a chance. This bright idea should be supported by the management and funded well. Customer retention is the main factor that contributes to the success of any business especially when one considers the fact that it`s harder and more expensive to get new customers than retaining the old ones. * Analysis According to the statistics that has been carried out in comparison to other cases, Acquiring of new customers costs almost five times more than satisfying and retaining the current customers as well as a two percent increase in the retention of customers has similar effect on profits as its cuts cost by ten percent. So Buddy`s idea of trying to establish mechanisms to maintain long term relationships with their customers makes sensible and is one of the potential ways of achieving customer retention by the company. The use of golf course will serve as a way for the company to reach to its customers and appreciate them for their loyalty to the company, in doing this customers will feel as part and parcel of the company and chances that they will want to continue being associated with it are high. This will gradually increase their investment in the company in terms of time and promote their retention. This works just like when a company uses blogs, forums, face book or even twitter to reach to its customers (Faulkner, 2003). Enhanced interaction between customers and the sales team will make customers to be loyal to the company. The interaction in the fields serves as a reminder to customers for the role they play in the success of the company. Therefore, this is a good idea for the company to try because it shows how it treats and values its customers. The company`s focus is not only on the customers as the source of income but instead it also makes use of entertainment as part of its marketing strategies and in their personal relationships. For instance companies like Google and Geico have been recognized to have succeeded in its operations through the ‘use of entertainment` as a strategy. Maintain...
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