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Case Study
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Case Study-Reflection Education Case Study Research

Case Study Instructions:

Assignment: Case Study–Reflection
Write a 250-to 350-word reflection about the Case Study assignment, including the Unit Plan components. Be thorough and honest, your feedback will be deeply considered. To refresh your memory, the components of each assignment are listed below:
Student Profile (Week 2)
Assessment Analysis (Week 3)
Assignment Revision (Week 5)
Life Skills & Content Integration Plan (Week 6)
Unit Plan (Weeks 5, 7, & 8)
Reflection (Week 8)
Note. The Unit Plan included the Matrix, Lesson 1, Lesson 2, Lesson 3, Lesson 4.

Case Study Sample Content Preview:

Reflection Paper
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Professor’s Name
August 20, 2020
The process of teaching also includes the process of learning. Throughout the whole course, one of the most important things that I learned is that teaching requires a dynamic and careful application of theoretical knowledge into one’s practice. This importance stems from the fact that educating children carries a huge responsibility in ensuring growth and well-being. Thus, I would like to discuss some of the important knowledge and processes in this paper. 
           One of the important things that I learned is that student difficulties in learning a subject could be addressed with the help of alternative methods that take advantage of their own strengths. For example, in my case student, he had difficulties in learning sixth-grade mathematics and was found to be lagging in his fifth-grade math. The student seems to perform well in other subjects, especially in creative ones. Thus, to reconcile between these subjects, one thing that I tried was to incorporate the use of creativity and imagination in teaching math. This includes the use of short field trips, creative projects, and even short presentations where the student was allowed to present his own ideas in any manner that he liked. Accordingly, I found out that this helped him picture theoretical and abstract concepts and apply them based on how he saw it. 
           Another important thing that I discovered was that difficulties in learning mathematics could be addressed by relating it to both real-life examples and previous lessons. In ...
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