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ISSA Final Exam Calculating the BMR of Diana Prince

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ISSA Certified Fitness Trainer - Final Exam:
Case Study 1: Diana Prince

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Diana Prince Case Study
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Calculating the BMR of Diana Prince
The basal metabolic rate (BMR) can be defined as the rate of energy expenditure per unit time. Proper measurements require an individual to meet a strict set of criteria. The BMR for Diana Prince can be calculated in the following way:
BMR = 66 + (6.23 x her weight in pounds) + (12.7 x her height in inches) - (6.8 x her age in years)
=66 + (6.23X 165) + (12.7X 5.5) + (6.8X 37)
= 66 + 1027.95 + 69.85 + 251.6
= 1415.4
BMR = [Weight in Pounds/(Height in inches x Height in inches)] x 703
The BMR of Diana Prince is found to be 38.81. It means her weight is more than the normal weight, and as per the standards of the BMR chart, she falls in the category of Obese People.
Target Heart Rate = ((maximum HR − resting HR) × Percentage of Intensity) + Resting HR
Maximum HR = 220 - 37 (Diana Prince’s age) = 183
In situations where the resting HR is not mentioned anywhere, we can use the average value of 70 bpm for the resting heart rate. The calculations can be done in the following way:
At 60 percent of intensity, the target HR is ((183 - 75) x 0.6) + 75 = 139.8 (the training heart rate of Diana Prince)
Similarly, at 80 percent of intensity, the target HR is ((183 - 75) x 0.8) + 75 = 161.4 (maximum training heart rate of the client)
Her training heart rate zone will be something around 139.8-161.4 beats per 60 seconds or per minute.
Summary of the Case
As is mentioned in this case, Diana Prince is living a lazy life. After the birth of her child, she forgot doing exercises and started ignoring her health. Before that, she was doing workouts on a regular basis, and her favorite aerobic activities were jogging and walking. As per the results of BMR, Diana Prince seems to be obese and overweight, which means she will have to pay utmost attention to her health and physical and mental fitness. I want the client to begin doing light exercises, as she has been inactive for some time now, and she needs to change her lifestyle to an extent. The most effective way to do this is by opting for a 12-week training or exercise plan.
The 12-Week Training Program
During the first week, Diana Pri...
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