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Health, Medicine, Nursing
Case Study
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Case studies in Maternal and Child Health. Nursing Case Study

Case Study Instructions:

Case Study
1) What does “rape as a weapon of war” mean?
2) What are the social, cultural and health impacts of the mass rape of women in the DRC?
kindly use this textbook : Global Case Studies in Maternal and Child Health by Ruth C. White, Chapter 8

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Case Studies in Maternal and Child Health
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Question 1
Rape as a weapon of war is considered as an attack towards women and the men in their lives. It involves various acts such a brutal sexual action, forced prostitution, sex slavery, and sexual mutilation and torture. The act is usually directed towards civilians as a way of creating fear in the specific communities. Regardless of the common notion that rape is caused by sexual desires, the role played by power in rape cases cannot be ignored. Through such power, the sex is made to cause unrest among a specific ethnic group and probably force them to relocate.
Question 2
The victims of rape suffer a lot of depression and require the support of the society to overcome it. In the DRC, the resu...
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