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Organizational Culture at Gaylord Palms Convention Hotel

Case Study Instructions:

In the Module 4 Case, we will complete an in-depth analysis of an organization’s culture, and determine the extent to which the organization’s culture fits with the organization’s strategic choices. Begin by reading the following article:
Ford, R. C., Wilderom, C., & Caparella, J. (2008). Strategically crafting a customer-focused culture: An inductive case study. Journal of Strategy and Management, 1(2), 143-167.
Complete an in-depth, comprehensive analysis of the Gaylord Palms’ organizational culture and values, analyzing the ways in which the specific components of organizational culture and values assist – or impede – the success of the organization’s strategic choices
Using the Module 4 Background readings related to organizational culture, and after performing additional research in the library, explain how organizational culture at the Gaylord Palms Hotel:
Creates meaning for its members;
Establishes informal organizational controls; and
Ensures (or alternatively, hinders) the success of Gaylord Palms’ strategic choices.
Which of Gaylord Palms’ values are most salient, and how do these same values relate to the organization’s culture?
What is required for an organization’s culture to be “effective”? Is Gaylord Palms’ organizational culture an “effective” culture? Why or why not? Be specific.
What specific characteristics/elements of Gaylord Palms’ organizational culture do you believe are most significant relative to ensuring the success of Gaylord Palms’ strategic direction (e.g., symbols, artifacts, roles, etc.)? Why?
Reference to review
Organizational culture: What is organizational culture and why does it matter? (2010, September 21). Organization Culture. Retrieved on April 29, 2014, from http://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=6AFn0vFtLC0
Read the following chapter on Organizational Culture:
Reed, G. E. (2009). Chapter 4: Systems thinking and senior leadership. In M. R. Grandstaff & G. Sorenson (Eds.), Strategic leadership: The general’s art. [Books24x7 version] Available from http://library(dot)books24x7(dot)com(dot)ezproxy(dot)trident(dot)edu:2048/toc.aspx?bookid=29979
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LED 560 Case 4
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Organizational Culture
Section 1- Introduction
Different organizations have distinct ways of operating, including how they communicate, treat their employees, and relate with their customers. That specific way of doing things in an organization represents its culture. Culture is integral in organizations, and it performs significant functions. First, it is worth noting that due to the dynamism of the market world, organizational culture should not be static; it should be versatile to adapt to emerging trends. These may include new competitors or demands from customers (OCAI, 2010). Organizational culture has a powerful impact on organizations' performance and long-term effectiveness. In addition, it significantly influences employees' morale, satisfaction, commitment, and innovation. Concisely, organizational culture impacts daily behavior and the performance of organizations. This paper explores the extent to which organizational culture has contributed to the overall success of Gaylord Palms Convention Hotel.
Section 2- Organizational Culture at Gaylord Palms Hotel
The hotel was founded in 2002 in Orlando, Florida. The owners allowed the founding manager autonomy to craft a culture that would enable the hotel to deliver top-quality service at a profit. Based on his prior experience, the manager resolved to formulate and implement a coherent and inspiring culture (Ford et al., 2008). Consequently, the culture has helped the hotel offer excellent services to its clients. Similarly, it has helped nurture a friendly work environment that has significantly consolidated employee satisfaction. As a matter of fact, Gaylord Palms has a turnover rate of 28 percent, which is noticeably insignificant compared to its competitors in the hotel industry, whose notoriety for high employee turnover is well documented. The success of the hotel’s culture lies in its outstanding components.
The first component of the hotel’s culture establishes its mission, goals, and values. It also provides guidelines on how the hotel should offer its services. Second, the hotel’s culture outlines the process of hiring, training, and motivating employees. The third component of Gaylord Palm’s culture revolves around formulating appropriate communication systems to constructively communicate the establishment’s culture (Ford et al., 2008). In a word, the hotel's culture ensures that the employees are empowered and given the requisite support to help them offer excellent services to customers. This has tremendously contributed to making the hotel one of the most preferred establishments in the hotel industry since it provides absolute meaning to the members.
How Gaylord’s Culture Creates Meaning to its Members
The culture of Gaylord Palms was crafted to make the hotel’s objectives clear and outline how to achieve them. In this regard, the culture explicitly intimates that it endeavors to have a competitive edge over its competitors by offering the best services possible. To achieve this, the culture minimizes supervision of employees and guides their behavior, especially when they encounter uni...
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