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HVE Case Study Social Sciences Case Study Research

Case Study Instructions:

Develop an HVE case study of a group or individual of sound mind: Faisal Shahzad at Times Square in 2010
1) What was the individual or groups grievance or cause?
2) How was the individual or most group members recruited or draw to the cause?
3) What was the process of radicalization? Which model discussed in this course most closely followed your case?
4) What was the result of the extremism and how did the case end?

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Case Study on Faisal Shahzad
Institutional Affiliation
Faisal Shahzad
The case study will focus on Faisal Shahzad, who attempted to detonate a bomb at Times Square, New York. Shahzad was of Pakistan origin living in Bridgeport, Connecticut (Adams & Nasir, 2010). He had earned two degrees from the University of Bridgeport and worked as a financial analyst for some time. The explosives had been packed in a Sports Utility Vehicle (SUV) and left at Times Square, but the detonation failed (Adams & Nasir, 2010). He was later arrested at John F. Kennedy International Airport while boarding a plane to Dubai and charged with five counts of federal terrorism (Adams & Nasir, 2010).
1 What was the individual or group's grievance or cause?
After intense interrogation, Faisal Shahzad revealed that he was connected to the Pakistani Taliban group (Mazzetti & Shane, 2010). He had grown up in Pakistan, but after moving to the U.S. engaged in radicalized groups that were against the government practices. Shahzad had received training from the Taliban Terrorist group (Mazzetti & Shane, 2010). The main grievances were based on U.S. interventions in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Taliban also claimed that the attacks would cease if the U.S. stopped its drone strikes in Pakistan (Mazzetti & Shane, 2010). Notably, the U.S. engaged in anti-terrorism practices that were aimed at eliminating most of the terrorist groups in the Middle East.
Additionally, Faisal Shahzad also claimed that his change from a financial analyst to a radicalized terrorist was caused by the killing of Muslims by the Americans (Mazzetti & Shane, 2010). He referred to himself as a 'Muslim Soldier' who was aimed at revenge for the drone attacks in Pakistan that killed children and innocent lives.
2 How was the individual or most group members recruited or draw to the cause?
Faisal Shahzad claims that he had several visits to Pakistan, where he met the different Taliban Militant groups. He says that he received explosives training at Waziristan in Pakistan, where he had been recruited by the Tehrik-e-Taliban (Mazzetti & Shane, 2010). The Pakistan Terrorist group was aimed at radicalizing as a way of recruiting its members. For example, Faisal Shahzad claims that he was recruited due to his low earning despite having two university degrees (Adams & Nasir, 2010). He had worked for about five years, and his salary had not been revived to any increase despite his determination and effort. He was a suitable individual who would be easily radicalized since he had lived in the U.S. for a while and was not happy with how American companies treated Muslim workers due to racial profiling. The Taliban approached him as a suitable 'Muslim soldier' that would work against the U.S. (Adams & Nasir, 2010) After the plan was set in motion, Faisal Shahzad had the best location where the bomb would make the most impact on human lives. Faisal Shahzad also claimed that he and other members were recruited after being offered large sums of money that were wired from the Taliban Terrorist Group. The Jaish-e-Muhammad mili...
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