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Case Study
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Appropriate Measure of Service for the CSRs

Case Study Instructions:

SofOptics Case Questions


1. Appropriate measure of service for the CSRs and the way the call monitoring system can be used for effectively managing the level of service.

2. Possible reorganization of the customer service area and any anticipated effects from the reorganization.

3. A long term strategy for capacity and a short term strategy for personnel scheduling.

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Sof- Optics
Appropriate measure of service for the CSRs
The CSRs in an organization is of great importance to the company and the employees as well. In this regard, the government of the U.S. is expected to organize with the companies in order to come up with systematic CSRs for the employees. Moreover, this system increases on the efficiency of the workers due to the motivation that they get. Therefore, it will be an added advantage to the company as it will increase on output and quality of end products to the market.
Consequently, the company can decide to hire retired employees if they are in need with extra expertise. This can happen if the company does not want to provide training to inexperienced employees. This might seem to be an efficient way because the old employees will always be familiar with the routine and operations of the organization. Therefore, better CSRs can be measure by putting into consideration a number of factors among them is remuneration of the employee salaries and allocation of pension to the retired ones.
On the other hand, the call monitoring system is an important service to the company. In broad analyses, customer care and relation is very vital since it might build the reputation of the company or even portray a bad name of the company. The call monitoring system for the Sof- Optics should be always active and with someone to attend to the customers’ demands, claims and complains. This will bring customer satisfaction hence will extend the market share of the company in the market and therefore, high sales revenue.
Reorganization of the customer service area and any anticipated effects from the reorganization.
Customer service in a company is one of the optimal goals of the Sof- Optics Company. Ensuring that customers to the company are satisfied with the end products of the company. Customers will be impressed if the company meets their preferences and expectation in terms of their products in the market. In addition, it evident from the articl...
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