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$ 4.75

Enhancing Learning in English Language

Coursework Instructions:

Answer each question in minimum 50 words.
1. What are the benefits of including speech and language development activities in your instruction, even for students who are not struggling readers? Provide an example.
2. Describe the process for unwrapping an ELA standard and determining learning objectives and activities as you would explain it to a new teacher. What are the most important things to keep in mind?
3. As students become increasingly comfortable and reliant on technology, how can teachers encourage students to read and be engaged in traditional books?
4. Identify three technological tools to be used to enhance learning in the elementary English language arts classroom. Describe why each tool is beneficial in enhancing learning. Include the links to your identified resources.

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Discussion Questions
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Discussion Questions
Question 1
Even good readers benefit from speech and language development. These exercises improve kids' literacy beyond reading. Student engagement in debates, discussions, and presentations promotes speech, critical thinking, and expression. Speech-language exercises are inclusive and support multiple learning styles. Some youngsters write well, others speak well. By employing both modes, educators may accommodate different learning styles and let students interact and exhibit understanding. Literary classroom debates develop students' speech abilities and require them to investigate and communicate their viewpoints. Students understand and apply

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