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2 pages/≈550 words
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Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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$ 10.37

Organizational Chart of Care Provision Departments and Sections of the Healthcare System

Coursework Instructions:

For this assignment, you are the new regional HIM director for a healthcare system that includes a community hospital, a long-term care facility, a hospice center, a home health agency, and a physician clinic.
Part 1
For this assignment, you are to create an organizational chart with the departments and a list of types of staff in each department. List staff such as RN, Radiology tech, lab tech, coder, etc. Numbers of staff and specific titles are not needed.
Part 2
For the second part of this assignment, you are to write a detailed description of the interrelationships across the health care delivery system. For example, the hospital lab department may provide laboratory services for the other facilities and interact with the nurses and medical assistants at those facilities. Are there some departments or staff positions that would function better in a shared services environment, supporting all the different facilities?
Describe how healthcare policymaking impacts the healthcare delivery system. Discuss how you would evaluate the impact of the new state, local, and federal policies as well as global impacts.

Coursework Sample Content Preview:

Organizational Chart and Summary
Course Code and Title
Organizational Chart and Summary
Organizational Chart
The organizational chart below captures the entire care provision departments and sections of the healthcare system. The system offers a wide range of healthcare services, illustrating the various sections. In addition, every section has distinct departments, which are manned by specific staff to enhance quality care provision within the healthcare system.
The healthcare delivery system operates smoothly through enhancing interrelationships between various departments and staff. The healthcare organization has developed a healthcare provision ecosystem using the interrelationships, which guarantees extensive management of quality care services (Atuhaire et al., 2020). A major interrelationship in the care delivery system is the use of laboratory and radiology services within the community hospital by all the other facilities. For instance, when a patient in the hospice facility requires a lab conducted, they are sent to the community hospital with a label from which facility they are from and whether they are urgent or not. More so, care providers at the hospice center 

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