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Religion & Theology
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HA Religion Gender in the American Revolution & Theology Coursework

Coursework Instructions:

In your textbook, review the Primary Sources essay on pp. 135-140. Keeping in mind the strategies we discussed in class for analyzing historical images, answer the following questions:
1. How do these diverse images of women contribute to our understanding of how gender shaped the experience of the American Revolution?
2. The images have propagandistic purposes. What do these images suggest about the role gender and sexuality play in conceptualizing both war aims and patriotic service?
3. How can historians analyze these propagandistic images in the effort to reconstruct the actual experiences of women in the revolutionary era?
You can number your responses. However, please use paragraph form and complete sentences to answer the questions.
Note: You can type directly in the box or upload a Word document with your response (no other file types, please).

Coursework Sample Content Preview:

Gender in the American Revolution
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February 07, 2020
1 How do these different images of women contribute to our understanding of how gender shaped the experience of the American Revolution? 
The great awakening supported an improvement of the social hierarchies that put an end to gender discrimination (Fogel, 2000). Women were the prominent participants in the evangelical revival which resulted in the promotion of a strict egalitarianism that, promoted a rough egalitarianism that many authorities raised political concerns as well, in conjunction with this, the European intellectual movement stressed the rights of each person, the purpose of reason, social growth and the value of scientific method (Williams et al., 1998).
Before, men were the only one that can participate in public debates, but some people questioned the authority embedded in their gender system, which resulted in a change. Women from different factions actively joined the events that surround the revolutionary conflict. Women never allowed to fight before during the war. As a result, they disguise themselves as a man to fight. Another method that women practice supporting in the war was by making homespun, which is a handmade cloth that used on revolutionary logos after they inflicted boycotts on British goods(Williams et al., 1998).
2. The images have propagandistic purposes. What do these images suggest about the role gender and sexuality play in conceptualizing both war aims and dedicated service?
Some propaganda figures depict the present form of women in the united states as a youthful, attractive, fair skin, brave women, some pictures also emphasize the importance of women as a domestic being like helping to serve foods...
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