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Week 7 -edu 6815 Discussion: Speech and Language Assessments

Essay Instructions:

Review Ch. 8 of Assessing Students with Special Needs.
Respond to the following prompts:
Speech-Language Pathologists test speech and language. What is the difference between speech and language assessments?
Read 15 or more of the different descriptions of various speech and language assessments in the “90+ Speech Therapy Test Descriptions and Report Outlines (Links to an external site.)” article from Home Speech Home: What did you learn about speech and language assessments that you did not know before?
What would you ask a speech language pathologist if given the opportunity?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Speech and Language Assessments
Speech and Language Assessments
Speech-language pathology is concerned with speech and language, and speech-language pathologists are focused on helping children and adults with various communication issues. The specialist help in treating numerous problems such as speech sounds, social communication as well as a language where individuals are helped to understand what they read or hear. Often, language assessment is focused on examining both expressive and receptive communication skills. It is keynoting that students with disabilities, such as hearing problems, are manifested with language and speech difficulties. Additionally, students with cerebral palsy are also likely to develop speech problems. Language assessment examines the ability of individuals to either receive or send a message. Language evaluation also focuses on evalua...
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