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Freedom of Speech: Absolute or Should be Limited?

Essay Instructions:

Write a one-page paper in which you answer the following question. Is the right to free speech absolute, or should we place limits on what people can say? If so, describe these limits and why. If the right to free speech is absolute, explain what justifies it and why it extends so far.
Build on the lessons that we have been practicing in our writing assignments so far. Have an introduction in which you briefly bring out the topic, define any key or vague terms and state your thesis. Afterwards, provide a single, thorough argument that supports your conclusion. Don't just list off a smattering of reasons. Ensure that your argument relies on assumptions that anyone could accept.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Freedom of Speech
Student's Name
Freedom of Speech
There are constraints on what can be said and a degree of freedom of expression. Unfortunately, or fortunately, depending on your perspective, the right to free speech does not always allow you to say whatever you want whenever you want. These are only a handful of the numerous circumstances in which freedom of speech is constrained.
For status, inappropriate language is limited. The First Amendment does not protect speech or expression considered "obscene." Therefore, child pornography is illegal. However, a huge challenge is that it may be difficult to distinguish clearly between obscenity and free speech. Secondly, internet use is also limited. Social media is argua...
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