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Campbell, Jud. The French Intrigue of James Cole Mountflorence

Essay Instructions:

Read the article in the file: A PDF document called 'article source' and write the essay

Article Reviews


During the semester you will complete three article reviews.

I have provided a list of articles you may choose from for each week of the semester. The articles relate to the topic we are discussing in class that week.

You will see three drop-boxes in this module on our class page. Each has a deadline date.

There are about four weeks between each deadline. During that period, you must complete one article review. You choose the week that works best for your interests and schedule.

Each of you will review your article in class. I will prompt you with a few questions to help you get started. 


The following directions provide you with an idea of what your reviews should include.





Name on top of page

Article citation


Then your report


About 1 and one half to 2 pages double spaced.


Place in drop-box by class time of day you report. 


An article review is not simply a recitation of what you read. Look over the following ideas.

  1. First paragraph or two deal with author’s thesis and argument. Present only pertinent evidence.

  2. Design a Paragraph tying the article to class. How does it further knowledge, dispute, or support what we learned in class?

  3. Discuss types of sources used. Primary. Secondary, or both….do they support the thesis?

  4. Does the author present both sides of the argument? If no argument is made, does the author provide a full and varied explanation of the event or person’s motivations?

  5. What did you think of the article?


Essay Sample Content Preview:
Students name
Professors name
Course code and name
Citation: Campbell, Jud. "The French Intrigue of James Cole Mountflorence." The William and Mary Quarterly 65.4 (2008): 779.
The article gives an account of James Cole's association with the French government, at a time when the American president had declared America impartial towards the European conflict. James presented the French government with a document that could have affected his American government. The author raises a question as to what motive could James had in mind for him to present such a document, which could affect the government that he helped in fighting for independence. Evidence is further provided that James, being a businessman, he was interested in freeing the Mississippi river from the Spanish control. As a result, this could increase the value of his western investments. Therefore, his aim was not political but rather for the benefit of his business activities in the region. Over the years, James had owned plenty of landholdings and had made friends with influential legislators such as the Blount brothers, who had helped in shaping his political agendas. The author also points out that MountFlorence's ambition was to promote his business, and thus, he was just opportunistic of the situation. Mountflorence probably knew about a revolutionary foreign policy that would benefit his interests in the business world. Such explains the reason he befriended prominent political bodies and made a lot of connections with the French government despite being an American.
The article provides information about French history. This is rele...
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