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Reflection on August Wilson's Through Fences

Essay Instructions:

Watch and enjoy Fences by August Wilson, starring Denzel Washington. It is a film based on a play by August Wilson - one of the greatest American playwrights.
1) Describe the main character's story arc. Where does he begin, where does he end, and how does he change during the course of the play?
2) What is August Wilson saying about Black culture in the U.S. in the 1950s? How is the play relevant to life in the U.S. today?
3) Explain how three major events (A, B, C) that happen to the character Rose in Fences relate to her sense of duty as wife and mother.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Troy is a hardworking man, talkative, and with a great sense of humor. This is where his story begins. We can see that he loves his job, even though he would like to do better. He loves his wife, Rose, and is strict with his two sons, Cory and Lyons. Up until the middle of the movie, Troy appears a good man. However, when he reveals to Rose that he has been having an affair and expects a child with his mistress, Troy’s life changes. His wife no longer respects and admires him as much as she used to. His younger son Cory also views his father as a disgrace. In the end, Troy is overwhelmed by his failure as a father and as a husband.
Through Fences, August Wilson shows how hard it was for a black man to earn a decent living and take care of his family. Through Troy’s character, Wilson shows how a segregated society led black men to miss out...
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