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Ricky Gervais’s Golden Globes 2020 Monologue

Essay Instructions:

Write a two-page, typed, double-spaced (12 point font, Times New Roman) critique of a speech of your choice. You may choose a speech given by a historical figure, a speech given by a political figure, or a speech given at a special occasion such as an awards ceremony (like the Oscars) or a college graduation. Provide a link to the video you watched at the end of your critique. Please bring a printed copy of your critique to class on June 11th. In your critique, address the following: 1) What made the speech particularly effective and what could the speaker have improved? 2) Consider the elements of effective speech-making we have discussed in class

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Speech Critique – Ricky Gervais’s Golden Globes 2020 Monologue
The introduction of the speech made the staging effective not only to the audience but also to the viewers. First, the audience seems comfortable and enjoying every bit of long speech by Ricky Gervais. The great connection might be associated with the history of the show or the speaker. The audience appreciates the speakers' arrival, and anyone viewing the video would guess what to expect from the speech (dazzling presentation). Also, viewers know what the entire session would entail right from the beginning. The grabber introducing the speaker gives the name and aim of the show before Gervais gets on stage to give his speech. Hence, viewers get the idea that they are watching the global golden awards presentation. Any person who might not have had an idea and theme of the speaker knows what the speaker will focus on in his speech. I would say that Gervais made a great speech. His level of confidence and approach in what he has to present reveals that he must have prepared sufficiently for the speech. The vast numbers of people in the audience seem to enjoy his speech as subsequent and consistent laughter is recorded during the speech. Gervais gives a great stance on the show (Golden Globes), making his speech incredible.
Both the grabber and the speaker in the show attain the theme of award presentation in the speech. In the welcoming instance, the individual tells the audience the aim of the meeting and also gives the names of the winning individuals. Although the congregation would not attend an event, they do not k...
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