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Movie Review
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Intra-Ethnic Racism

Movie Review Instructions:

Based on video, color of fear, I attached its transcript,
In your own words, write down your thoughts about it.
This is an open-ended assignment in that you are welcome to talk about whatever you like in response to the documentary film. As long as you write 2-pages (no less, no more) and share your honest reactions in some depth, you will receive full credit. There really is no need to write more than 2 pages. While I will not penalize anyone who writes more than 2 pages, we will only grade the content for the first 2 pages. Even though it is open ended, some possible questions and thoughts to consider (for those who want some ideas):
If there was just one word to describe your overall reaction, what would it be?
What was your take-away form this video? Did it present something new or different with respect to racism and prejudice that you have not encountered elsewhere? If so, what?
How do you think things have changed in society since this was first filmed (1994)?
Was there someone in the video who you feel you could identify with or that reminded you of where you are now or at an earlier time?
What was your sense of the intra-ethnic racism (between people of color) they discussed and how it differed from racism enacted from White individuals to people of color?

Movie Review Sample Content Preview:

Student's Name
Course Name
Professor's Name
Racism is an act of discrimination or prejudice that involves a particular group of people looking down on or diminishing a minority group. In most cases, it is usually based on skin color or the origin of an individual. Racists often dismiss opposite individuals as outcasts and react negatively as humanly possible. Society strives to place individuals in cohorts of socioeconomic status and group them according to origin or ethnicity. From afar, it's a systematic process and organized; however, it is an opportunity that allows individuals to stereotype people's behaviors as much as they can. Human beings have proved to be afraid of the unknown. Through grouping and labeling, they can understand or be skimpily aware of what is coming their way. This generalizing has succeeded in dividing people and being the epitomes of conflicts from generation to generation.
The video presents a shocking example of how racism has managed to affect our lives. It is surprising how incomplete and insecure one can be even in a country where they grew up and attended school. The American Japanese is at a loss of possibilities to own to his true originality with American ambiguity. He has to keep up the feud if he is to access facilities in the country. Who could have thought that being white or born in America still could place you in the minority group? The Word is that people of color mostly face racial discrimination. It was not clear that being a non-American was suitable enough to place an individual in a tight spot for being born that way. It is true, America is just a country. They should, therefore, not hold the right to choose who is white or not. The citizens are practicing racism even to those like them. If they cannot guarantee equality even with those who look like them, then equality is a far gone dream for the whole world.
Society And Change
Despite the intensity of racism in the period the video was filmed, recent years have seen p...
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