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Reflection Paper US civilisation Business & Marketing Essay

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this a large reflection question and ( a intro/problematic/2 or 3 parts/conclusion)
is expected.
discuss the following statement in a we’ll structured essay (based about what you know about the US economy) give examples.
“companies that grow create wealth. This, in turn, allows people to have jobs that create more growth and more wealth. It’s a virtuous circle”

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Reflection Paper
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May 12, 2020
The economy of the United States is highly based on the capitalist mode of production. By creating more demand and meeting those demands with the right amount of supply, the economy grows. Accordingly, there are two ideas about how this growth affects people. On the one hand, some believe that the creation of companies creates more wealth by giving people jobs. On the other hand, some believe that capitalism increases wealth disparity between people, which makes the rich richer and the poor poorer. Personally, I think that companies, together with the regulations of the State, increase the wealth of society as a whole.
The first reason why I believe that new companies create more wealth is that it requires manpower. Just like any other institution in society, the opening of a company requires people to support its ...
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