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2 pages/≈550 words
2 Sources
Communications & Media
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English (U.S.)
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Blog Post - The Crypto Revolution

Other (Not Listed) Instructions:

Assignment: You will choose a company or organization, and as member/s of that organization you will write either a Corporate Blog or a Press Release on an upcoming news related to your organization. Remember the success of your work depends on working professionally as a representative of a company and organization. You are NOT to choose a company with a newsroom that has a blog or a press release on the news item already.
Assignment Length: 2 pages, Pair Work Assignment
Assignment Objective:
• Demonstrate understanding of the writing criterion for online environment
• Showcasing Content meant for rapid consumption
• Clear demonstration of the writing style and content regulations of Online Corporate documents (Corporate Blog and Corporate Press Release)
• Considering Audience (Show 1 enhanced access to content) pg 595 details

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December 09, 2022
Blog Post - The Crypto Revolution
The startup Binance is working toward the future of internet trade. The significant technological improvement in the internet and website programming drives the demand for new currencies. As online trading develops, many digital assets and items are being given to newcomers, and as more trade occurs online, the more expensive some of these items become more. These have now emerged as the main draw for online traders looking to make life online. By giving them a platform that will connect them to everyone eager to trade globally as their trading career and their assets expand, Binance has given them a place to access all of their digital assets and real-world currencies.
Because cryptocurrency transactions on the Binance platform account for the majority of trades, the company also offers training for newcomers to the industry. Learning how to trade, exchange, deposit, and withdraw funds can be challenging, particularly in a strange environment. Because of this, the Binance company makes sure that every user of their platform is instructed correctly and informed about the risks and advantages of trading in the cryptocurrency world. Recently, (Non-Fungible Tokens) or NFTs have been added to the web pages of the Binance platform. These NFTs are digital works of art or other licensed property that may be bought and sold online. This kind of token has exceptional ownership. Since cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum are created digitally by artists, this is very different from them.
Because of how things are going in the world right now, the company's strategy for future trade is highly secure. W...
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