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Clinical Field Experience on Science & Technology to Enhance Learning

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Thoughtful educators are always looking for effective strategies to foster student learning. Using technology and asking engaging questions are great ways to help students connect to their prior knowledge, encourage exploration, and problem solve within the content area.
In this field experience, observe the technology and questioning strategies used by professional educators as well as develop your own questions to be incorporated during lessons.
Allocate 5 hours in the field to support this field experience.
Observe and assist with teaching two lessons, one science and one health/PE/nutrition (an integrated health and science lesson may count for either requirement), led by certified K-8 grade teachers. If possible, observe more than one classroom/teacher. During your observation, pay specific attention to the following:
Technology used by the teacher to enhance instruction
Technology used by students to enhance engagement and learning
Questioning strategies utilized during instruction and/or as formative assessment
With the mentor’s permission, prepare and implement three effective student questions for each observed lesson. The questions may be designed for the whole class, small group, or one-on-one to support the observed lesson objectives. The questions should stimulate students’ prior knowledge and encourage exploration and problem-solving within the content areas.
Use any remaining field experience hours to assist the mentor teacher in providing instruction and support to the class.
In 250-500 words, reflect on the lessons you observed, the questions you developed and implemented, and your additional experiences in the classes, describing the following:
Technology used to enhance instruction of science/health content. If technology was not used, discuss how it could be integrated into the lesson/s you observed .
Questioning strategies used to enhance learning of science/health content . If not implemented, discuss where and how they would have been effective.
How the questions you developed stimulated students’ prior knowledge and encouraged exploration and problem-solving
How you plan to apply what you learned to your future professional practice.

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Clinical Field Experience B: Science Lesson – Technology
Clinical Field Experience B: Science Lesson – Technology
Technology Used to Enhance Instruction
In the science lesson, the instructor used instructional and interactive videos to enhance instruction. Some of the videos showed how the planets orbit around the sun, while others portrayed how a cell breaks down unusually. The students were more immersed in the topic because they were more enthusiastic about the technology they were studying. Some of the videos were even participatory, with the mentor pausing to ask the students a question or students recording their comments or journaling their thoughts on a particular issue.
Technology Used by Students to Enhance Engagement and Learning
Students got access to interactive instructional activities to assess their grasp of the mentor's teachings. They were enjoyable and exciting, and assisted students in determining where they stand in terms of learning specific subjects. The teacher allowed students to work individually on lesson games provided by the science curriculum.
Questioning Strategies Utilized During Instruction and as Formative Assessment
The teacher utilized the probing strategy to get pupils to think about their first responses. Students can use probes to help them think criti...
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