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Choosing the Methodology Assignment

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I have written the paper but need for you to write my abstract. it can be between 150-250 words. This will require that you read my paper. this assignment was very confusing to me. first you will see a summary that the guidelines instructed us to formulated from another paper. In my opinion we should have been allowed to cut and paste it into this one. Next was the components of the paper in bolded headings. I need it to be in apa 7th edition. and of course I don't need any references since an abstract is not cited.

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Choosing The Methodology Assignment
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The study aimed to choose a technique for the researchers' suggested research on the spiritual well-being, resilience, and influence on academic achievement of nursing students. The study's design was based on constructivist epistemological ideas. The qualitative phenomenological research approach was utilized to elicit the essence of individual student nurses' perspectives on spiritual well-being and resilience. The following were the research findings: Using the NVivo software would aid in the data analysis process and in identifying clustered topics, content trends, and visually representing themes. It is prudent to use interview questions developed and reviewed with the assistance of an expert committee member on the dissertation team to increase the study's validity and reliability; The researcher will be accountable for all aspects of the study, including data collection, interviewing, and interpretation. The researcher must demonstrate ethical wisdom and comprehension, as well as adequately address ethics within each research component; reflexivity is critical in qualitative research to inform the researcher's personal views, interpretation of the data, and what they hope to gain. The study concluded the following: the main aim was to develop a technique that was most compatible with the overall purpose and research goals based on deductive reasoning and hypothesis development; collecting data from participants who have experienced the phenomena via in-depth interviews is regarded as one of the processes for doing phenomenological research, expert assessment of the interview questions, the researcher's role, and ethical issues.
Choosing the Methodology Assignment
Summary of Topic, Purpose, and Research Questions
The proposed study titled "Nursing Student's Perceptions of Individual Resilience, Spiritual Well-Being, and Academic Success "will examine the correlation between students' spiritual well-being concerning individual resilience and academic success. Although numerous research studies have linked the concept of resilience to factors that increase academic success, studies investigating the perceptions of student resilience are lacking. Furthermore, studies involving student perceptions are included in the nursing curriculum related to patient care (Abassi et al., 2014). Although holistic nursing care includes spirituality and spiritual well-being, research involving its perception by nursing students is also limited. Therefore, this study will attempt to understand the nursing students' perspectives regarding their spiritual well-being, resilience, and impact on their academic success.
The glossary of terms such as resiliency, spiritual well-being, academic success, and perception will provide information pertinent to understanding the concepts. Cleary et al. (2018) espouse that resilience is a concept that permits nursing students to nurture well-being, contribute effectively in professional practice, and overcome hardships. Resilience entails the capacity to react positively to calamities and the wisdom to make ethical choices that transform conventional practices and behaviors (Liang, 2017). The resea...
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