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4 pages/β‰ˆ1100 words
6 Sources
Health, Medicine, Nursing
Other (Not Listed)
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Impact of Type 2 Diabetes on the Family. Health, Medicine Essay

Other (Not Listed) Instructions:

This assignment will explore and analyze people living with a chronic disease (in this case I chose diabetes type 2).
Peer reviewed articles where they discuss/analyze/explore how someone diagnosed with diabetes type to can impact family in a positive and negative way, and what has been done to improve the impact.
What does peer reviewed literature say about the family perspective of living with chronic disease/illness? (this is kind of a guiding question)
I will attach the marking guide for you to see






D-Range to

F- Range

Content and Ideas

40 marks


  • Intro and conclusion well developed and represent main concepts of the paper
  • Ideas well developed within body and clearly illustrated
  • All paper requirements clearly fulfilled
  • Precise terminology used


  • Intro and conclusion provide general direction to paper
  • Ideas within body well developed
  • All requirements met
  • Appropriate terminology used


  • Intro and conclusion may be weak or loosely related to content of the paper
  • Most ideas clearly developed, some lacking a bit of clarity or not fully developed
  • Some paper requirements under-developed or not fully developed
  • Some terminology lacks specificity or some awkward word choices


  • Intro and conclusion unrelated to content of paper or loosely tied to paper. May bring up new concepts not addressed within body of paper
  • Some ideas under-developed or lacking clarity
  • Some paper requirements lacking
  • Lacking specificity of terminology frequently

Organization and Coherence

30 marks


  • Logical structure of paper
  • Natural transitioning between paragraphs and concepts
  • All paragraphs have one key concept
  • Writing is quite skillful, fluent, pleasing and easy to read
  • Free of spelling and grammar issues


  • Logical progression of ideas within the paper
  • Appropriate flow and transition between paragraphs
  • Paragraphs have one key concept or theme
  • Writing clear and concise
  • A few minor spelling and grammar issues


  • Somewhat logical but may lose some clarity of the progression of the paper at times
  • Some missing transitions or awkward undeveloped sections or sentences
  • Most paragraphs have one key theme but a few stray
  • Writing mostly clear and meets acceptable criteria
  • Spelling and grammar issues that start to detract from the clarity of the paper


  • Paper difficult to follow or not arranged in a logical order
  • Transitions not adequately developed so choppy to read and illogically developed
  • Many paragraphs have multiple concepts or stray off track
  • Writing lacks clarity or specificity
  • Notable spelling and grammar issues.

Support and use of Support

25 marks


  • Excellent amount of literature and excellent depth of the person’s experience
  • Outstanding variety of appropriate  sources
  • Ability to synthesize literature and person’s experience and demonstrates commonalities and/or differences
  • Almost exclusively paraphrases.



  • Appropriate amount and use of literature and person’s experience.
  • Wide variety of appropriate  sources
  • Ability to use multiple sources to support concepts
  • Able to identify similarities and/or differences
  • Utilizing direct quotes sparsely



  • Weaker or more minimal use of literature support and/or person’s experience
  • Lack of variety of sources for this topic or for currency of information.
  • Single sources utilized to support concepts
  • Utilizing significant number of direct quotes.



  • Inadequate literature support.
  • Lack of variety of sources or key sources missing for this topic.
  • Single sources utilized to support concepts or concepts not supported with literature.


Length (Conciseness)

5 marks


  • 4 pages


  • Less than half a page above or below 4 pages


  • More than a page above or below the 4 page requirement


  • Significantly off of page limits




Other (Not Listed) Sample Content Preview:

Impact of Type 2 Diabetes on the Family
Institutional Affiliation
Impact of Type 2 Diabetes on the Family
Diabetes is one of the most prevalent diseases today. However, it should be noted that there are two distinct forms of diabetes: Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes. While Type 1 Diabetes is mainly genetic and appears most commonly in adolescence, Type 2 Diabetes is a lifestyle disease. Regardless of these differences, doctors have been subjected to significant difficulty when attempting to diagnose Diabetes in young patients (Loring & Gray, 2006). The diagnosis is vital because it affects the direction that individuals take with respect to their treatment. At the same time, this also affects how families operate whenever one member develops Type 2 Diabetes (Schultz & Sherwood, 2017). This essentially means that families have to undergo a great deal of adjustment whenever one of their members develops any type of Diabetes and particularly Type 2 Diabetes. The fact that Type 2 Diabetes is a lifestyle disease means that the family has to completely transform its lifestyle in order to accommodate the diagnosed family member (Thomas & Baker IDI Heart & Diabetes Institute, 2017).
As far as Type 2 Diabetes is concerned, it clearly emerges that there are numerous issues that patients and their families have to go through. The first and most prevalent negative impact of living with a family member suffering from this kind of Diabetes is financial strain (Ferro & Boyle, 2014). Across America, the number of uninsured or underinsured individuals has remained quite high in recent years. Similarly, the obesity rates among such populations indicate an increasing trend that portends a dark future for these individuals and their families (Thomas & Baker IDI Heart & Diabetes Institute, 2017). In essence, the likelihood of the uninsured or underinsured developing Type 2 Diabetes is quite high. Furthermore, the possibility that such a population can afford Diabetes treatment and its associated costs is quite low, which further points to the likelihood of such families enduring significant financial strain whenever one of them develops Type 2 Diabetes (Martire & Helgeson, 2017).
At the same time, it is also important to note that like many other chronic illnesses, Diabetes can be managed if appropriate measures are taken. In most instances, this is in the form of healthier eating habits and diets for the patient (Loring & Gray, 2006). For most families, this provides an opportunity for the members to collectively support the ill one by transforming their diet and even engaging in exercise. While this can be difficult at the beginning, many families tend to transition into a healthier and more considerate diet even when they indulge (Schultz & Sherwood, 2017). The desire to keep the ill family member feeling like a part of the family strongly motivates many households to transform their diets. In this way, the entire family benefits greatly from having a member with Type 2 Diabetes in the short, medium, and long term.
It is critical to remember that Type 2 Diabetes can be detrimental to health and even fatal if poorly managed. This is one of the most pertinent issues that families with a loved one...
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