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2 pages/β‰ˆ550 words
3 Sources
Health, Medicine, Nursing
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English (U.S.)
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Healthcare Concern: Nurse Staffing

Other (Not Listed) Instructions:

In all writing, it's important to carefully consider your audience. This week's assignment allows you to address a specific audience in the form of a professional letter.
A good way to start this assignment is to look to the news. Find an online article regarding a recent healthcare concern, something to which you'd liked to respond. Review this article. What questions does it raise? What aspects of the issue have not been addressed? How might we begin to resolve this issue or address this concern? What course of action might you propose?
In this assignment, it will be important to carefully consider this module's lesson on audience. (In most cases, for example, the author of the article will not be your ideal audience. Ask yourself: who is in a position to take action to address my concerns?) Once you have identified a specific audience and a reason for writing, compose a letter that directly responds to your chosen issue or subject matter. This assignments represents an opportunity for you to take action, to pose important questions or advocate for change. Make the most of it.
The finished assignment should be formatted as a professional letter. Use block format, as in the example provided with this module's learning materials. The letter should be one to two-pages in length, single spaced, and typed in 12-point Times New Roman font. Be certain to include contact information for the intended recipient. If you quote from or refer to research, include all appropriate APA style citations.

Other (Not Listed) Sample Content Preview:

Healthcare Concern: Nurse Staffing
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Student at [Institution]
This letter details the nurse staffing issue in the United States and proposes ways to address it.
The problem
The healthcare sector is a crucial department that does not need a trial-and-error staffing approach because it might lead to serious health issues or the death of patients. Staffing is an ongoing debate, with most stakeholders wondering if the issue will one day be solved. Statistics show that the US has 1.3 million registered nurses, and by 2030 there will be a deficit of 1.2 more nurses (American Hospital Association, 2022). A Deloitte Center for Health Solutions survey shows that the healthcare sector might be facing a huge problem in the staffing department in 2023. In the survey, health system leaders reported that staffing would likely affect their strategy in 2023, with others reporting that inflation contributes to the staffing problem (Wheeler, 2022).
Understaffing in healthcare facilities has several negative effects. The nurses suffer burnout and mental trauma, affecting the quality of their services. This has been a major campaign concern by employers who have been working hard to ensure the well-being of their employees in the recent past. The intervention is because burnout and traumatized employees do not deliver to their standards, which also affects the patients. It leads to increased clinical mistakes and deaths of patients.
The staffing problem has also compromised the safety of nurses. In 2022, 25% of nurses reported being attacked by patients (Wheeler, 2022). This makes the workplace unsafe, and many nursing practitioners are contemplating leaving the profession.
What has been done
The federal government, the state department of health and healthcare system leaders have tried to address the issues unsuccessfully. First, in 2017 congress passed the ESHB 1714 about nurse staffing committees in hospitals (Washington State Department of Health, n.d.). The law strengthened the nurse staffing committee. It also required the healthcare facilities to submit their nurse staffing plans to the Department of Health annually, besides establishing a complaints and investigation process.
Secondly, some healthcare systems have outsourced their human resources from other countries to fill the gaps. The most common areas...
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