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1 page/β‰ˆ275 words
3 Sources
Health, Medicine, Nursing
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English (U.S.)
MS Word
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How Brain Health and Environmental Health Interrelated and Strategies to Enhance Both

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Using the information from reading materials and lectures, give your own example that illustrates how brain health and environmental health are all interrelated. You may use a personal experience or you may create an example.
Provide one tool or strategy for your classmates to enhance their brain health or small things individuals can do make a positive impact on their environmental health.

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Discussion: Brain and Environmental Health
Institutional Affiliation
Discussion: Brain and Environmental Health
How brain health and environmental health are interrelated
The ability to cope with or manage stress, which is an element of brain health, is primarily associated with the environment, among other factors such as socioeconomic status, cultural perceptions, and family structure. This observation is supported by empirical studies that have found a correlation between mental health and brain health (Mintzer et al., 2019). Researchers have for decades investigated how the environment plays a role in the normal function of the brain and overall mental health. Classic examples of this association have been shown in studies linking environmental exposures of humans to toxic heavy metals such as mercury and neurological functions (Cabrera et al., 2016). Mercury is associated with conditions such as irritability, anger, and depression, which make it difficult for individuals to cope with stress (Siblerud & Mutter, 2021). This association shows the importance of maintaining a healthy environment for healthy brain functioning.
Strategy to enhance brain health and how to positively impact environmental health
Enhancing brain health demands a balance of an interplay between several factors, including diet, physical activities, and sound environmental health. From a physiological perspective, Jackson et al. (2016) have found that older adults significantly benefit from a go...
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