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Leadership and Performance Development

Other (Not Listed) Instructions:

Week 4 Problem Analysis worksheet attached and please use the attached Word document template.
DIRECTIONS: Review the Problem Analysis Worksheet document you submitted in Week 4. Select one of the solutions you proposed in the Week 4 Problem Analysis Worksheet.
You will use the APA Formatted WORD document template attached below to write your memo. Make sure to follow the directions outlined below and use the information under the headings in the WORD document template to guide you. Click on the three dots below to download. Failing to use the attached document will result in a 10% deduction in the grade.
Next, write at least a 650 to 700-word summary memo. Include the following in the memo. Utilize the Resource link below "Summary Memo Guidelines" to help you develop your memo.
Individual Assignment Template.docx
Include the following in your summary memo:
Summarize the problem and the solution you propose to implement.
Analyze why you think the solution will be effective.
Analyze what needs to be considered when implementing the proposed solution.
Analyze the leadership style that best fits in this situation.
Analyze the leader’s role in managing the conflict.
What is your role as a leader and how would you manage this conflict?
Explain the leader’s role in creating an effective work group when implementing the proposed solution.
SCHOLALRY REQUIREMENTS: Use at least 3 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar references to support your statements in the memo. Citations and references are required to be in APA format.

Other (Not Listed) Sample Content Preview:

Benchmark Memo
Your Name
HCS475 Leadership And Performance Development
Benchmark Memo
The memo is about how to eliminate two primary issues at Happy Cardiology Services. The practice manager has been mandated with the duty of implementing effective solutions to the problems arising from coding and billing. Some employees feel pressured to up-code, and they aggressively ask for payments from patients. That has resulted in a high turnover and low motivation among workers. In that light, the best solution to eliminate the above issues is by coming up with a training program for staff so that they can understand coding and billing. That way, they will not ask for payments from patients aggressively.
Problem Summary
In the Week 4 Problem Analysis Worksheet, the primary problem was improper medical billing or coding that made employees at Happy Cardiology Services feel pressured and seek payment from patients aggressively. The most significant solution that was identified to eliminate this issue is implementing a training program. Specifically, medical billing training is an effective measure for improving the integrity of the health financing systems, compliance, and decreasing incorrect billing (Faux, Adams, & Wardle, 2021). If the health practitioners understand billing and coding, they would not seek payment from patients aggressively. Patients should be handled well so that they can return for more services.
Analysis: Effectiveness of Solution
In particular, implementing a training program is an effective solution to eradicate the pressure felt by employees in medical coding and avoid seeking payments aggressively. Medical practitioners who understand billing and coding are likely to comply with ethical measures when asking for payment from their clients (Faux, Adams, & Wardle, 2021). These professionals cannot seek payment aggressively since they know that clients should be treated with respect and integrity. They understand at which point to make the patients pay for the services provided without forcing them. Moreover, the solution will make employees feel more comfortable working at Happy Cardiology Services, reduce turnover, and promote job satisfaction.
Analysis: Considerations
When implementing a training program in medical billing and coding, various things should be considered to promote its effectiveness. First, the training should be done by individuals with more experience in medical billing and coding. A competency-based training is more appropriate since it takes into account how patients are handled and encourage healthcare providers to maintain trusting relationships with their clients (Parmar et al., 2022). Second, the training should not disrupt employees during their working hours. For instance, healthcare providers should attend training sessions during their leisure time. Most importantly, the training should not omit the importance of respecting patients at all the times.
Analysis: Leadership Style
The best leadership style that fits the situation at hand is transformative. Transformative leaders set a desired outcome or goal by analyzing reality. They support their followers to ensure that they achieve set objectives. Transformative leaders know how...
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