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Marginalized Women and Childbearing Families

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Marginalized Women and Childbearing Families
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Marginalized Women and Childbearing Families
As an advanced practice nurse (APN), the first action to take to reduce the social effects on marginalized women is by creating an environment that enhances trust, emotional safety, and overall care quality. It is crucial for APNs working within the primary medical care context to build an empathetic engagement with female patients at the healthcare facility to offer high-quality service. Second, I would tailor care to women’s unique experiences, context, and history to enhance accessibility and mitigate constraints, overall care quality, and enhance emotive trust as well as psychological safety. Third, I can advocate for laws that mitigate structural inequalities and thereby positively influence access to care for marginalized women (Prodan‐Bhalla & Browne, 2019). Policy at either federal, state, or local level can facilitate societal inclusion, access to sufficient housing, and a nutritious diet by reducing structural inequalities that lead to health inequities among marginalized women and childbearing families (Prodan‐Bhalla & Browne, 2019). In addition, a policy can facilitate access to health insurance and reproductive medical care, which undermine marginalized women’s health outcomes (Daniel, Erickson, & Bornstein, 2018).
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