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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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English (U.S.)
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Running Head: Nancy Milio's framework

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Explain Nancy Milio's framework for prevention using the" thinking upstream concept". Society is the focus of change. Book chapter is attached. Nancy Milio's framework is on page 8 of 14.The whole chapter is on "Thinking upstream"
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Running Head: Nancy Milio's framework
Nancy Milio's framework
[Name of the writer]
[Name of the instructor]
Nancy Milio's framework
Nancy Milio`s framework is associated with the fact that society is the focus of change and this framework provides upstream attention and examining opportunities for nursing Six viable propositions were presented by Milio that directly relate with the individual`s ability to improve healthful behavior. The core initiative of Milio was to promote the upstream policies through which the society well being is guaranteed. She focused on the scenario that national level health oriented policies are very important than individual policies to make the society a better place. There is usually an imbalance between the health needs and its sustaining resources that are provided by the society. The occurrence...
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