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1 page/≈275 words
4 Sources
Health, Medicine, Nursing
Other (Not Listed)
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Nursing Shortage as a Major National Issue in the United States

Other (Not Listed) Instructions:

1. Describe why the nursing shortage is a major national issue in the United States.
2. How could a nursing shortage in other countries around the world affect the nursing shortage in the United States?
3. Why will the nursing shortage become even more critical by 2020?
4. What are some strategies to address the nursing shortage?

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Nursing shortages in the United States is a major national issue since it would result to health effects such as the circulation of Infections among the staff members and the patients. ‘‘Nurses are meant to play a big role of ensuring that they deliver safety in the U.S health care sector, Snavely and Timothy, 2016’‘ drastic reduction of inpatient hospitalization toll and risks of increased workloads of nurses-patients would be experienced. If other countries happened to experience shortage of nurses, this would highly affect the United States since they tend to recruit nurses from overseas mainly from African countries and the Philippine countries as well. This will lead to working conditions within the health care system to worsen and the United states economy would gradually decrease due to unemployment ‘‘Having nursing shortages both in the public and the private sectors in United States and other country would result to economic downturn and worse working conditions, (Phaua and Hue, 2015).
The nursing shortage would become more critical by 2020, if the government does not take an action of replacing more nurses, the dramatic reduction of the National Health Service (NHS) would result to students being forced to take up nursing and midwifery positions hence resulting to incidents of tragic conditions in the hospital whereby patients would be ...
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