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2 pages/≈550 words
2 Sources
Health, Medicine, Nursing
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English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Response to Christina Tillson

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You did a Journal club paper for me assessing research. Now i will attach 2 other peoplles journals I need to ask them appropriate journal questions.
You will summarize one article using the Journal Club Template and then interact with others in the Discussion***** as if you are actually in a journal club, asking and addressing appropriate questions. DO respond to the 4 articles listed.
Support your response with references from the professional nursing literature.
*** also on the paper yopu wrote for me can you answer this? I work in a small hospita ER............ Thank you for your post, Sara. Interesting study. What did you take away from the study? What did you learn that you can use in your own practice after reading this?

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Journal Responses
29th April 2015.
Response to Christina Tillson
This is an absolutely commendable job especially on the detailed approach you take on each step. It is particularly interesting to note the connection between your study problem, research question, hypothesis and significance of the study to nursing. You have done quite a great deal to illustrate the significance of enhanced teamwork in healthcare as vital in preventing patient errors.
From your research, there are some questions to be raised. Can there be any other design to be used conclusively here, apart from quasiexperimental techniques? It is evident that 89% of the participants are women; can the research be different if it could have had a larger or almost equal percentage of both genders? How can you summarize the nursing implications of your study?
Response to Karen Brooks
I totally agree with you concerning the fact that skin pH is important in maintain skin integrity and deceasing the bacterial load, thereby highlighting the importance of research on appropriate cleansers .Your research design was also ideal, considering it was non randomized, and descriptive two-group cross over study using a convenience sample of ICU patients.
What do you come to learn on the statistical application made during the study, such as the use of Chi square tests and independent sampling tests? Is the research, from your own view, a true indication of the situation on the ground? Can i...
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