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Teaching Plan for Mothers and Nannies on How to Cope with a Colicky Baby and Avoid SIDS

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It needs to be 100% custom and unique. It is a teaching plan and this is the table I would like it to get done in if you can.
Priority learning goal identified. The goal needs to be clearly stated in an appropriate SMART format. Identify three learning objectives that are clear, measurable and will support goal achievement. Provide 2 relevant, reputable resources. Identify strategies to evaluate the learning.
Purpose: Teach the mother and nanny how to cope with a colicky baby and avoid SIDS.
Goal (S.M.A.R.T format):
Learning objective:
Content outline:
Instruction methods:
Timing allotted:
Method of evaluation:

Other (Not Listed) Sample Content Preview:

Purpose: The purpose of this teaching plan is to teach the mother and nanny how to avoid a colicky baby and avoid Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).

SMART Goal: The goal of this teaching plan is to improve the parent’s recognition of colic symptoms, by around 50% after a period of 1 week of doing training.

Learning Objectives

Content Outline

Instruction Methods

Timing Allotted


Method of Evaluation

Following this teaching session, the client will be able to: Increase his/her determination of the common number of SIDS, as conducted by case assessments, which could help reduce the infant’s risks of dying from SIDS.

Learn the symptoms of SIDS.

Determine the common and usual symptoms of SIDS based on studies CITATION Web21 \l 1033 (, 2021).

Give an outline of the common symptoms for Colicky babies. This should include the variations in manifestation for each of the symptoms.

First 3 days –
3 days / 30 minutes training each

Published Learning materials (i.e., brochures)

The pare...
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