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Consumer Protection

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Businesses are applying analytics to customer data at an exponential rate in order to tailor the user experience. When data analysis results in different customers being offered different products or prices, there's the possibility for problems related to privacy and fair business practices. Here are some questions to reflect upon:
1. If you are shopping online, how do you determine whether the merchant is trustworthy? Do you use a different method to determine trustworthiness when you walk into a store and need to use a credit card for a purchase?
2. Who is better positioned to regulate online transactions and handle irregularities or complaints – consumer advocacy groups or the government? You might need to do some research on the purposes and functions of consumer advocacy groups AND the method of filing a consumer complaint with a consumer protection office (government agency).

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Consumer Protection
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Consumer Protection
I do not trust any online merchant I come across when shopping over the Internet. In particular, before I develop trust in a specific online seller, I do several things. Besides, Internet merchants' trustworthiness is significantly crucial for business-to-customer firms and influences consumers' purchasing decisions (Mudassir & Rahim, 2012). First, I research the merchant on social media. I search the name of the company and navigate its website to see the history of the merchant and possibly its physical address. Second, I look for the merchant's reviews to determine how people who have bought products or services have rated it. If the seller is legit, consumers to have positive reviews. Third, I engage the support team to see how fast they respond to customers. After these three primary steps, I purchase the products and services without hesitation if the merchant has an above-average rating, has positive customer reviews, and is responsive to its clients' problems. However, to determine the trustworthiness of a physical store when I need to use my credit card, I look for a reputable brand, such as Walmart and Target. I do not use my credit card to buy thin...
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