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Reflection Paper: Worldview in Regard to Administration of Justice Organizations

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You will write two pages (not including your title page) expressing your current worldview in regard to the subject of Administration of Justice Organizations. This paper’s content will include how the presentation in the Module/Week 1 Reading & Study folder influences your worldview.
Note: Title Chapters: Part I -Nature of Criminal Justice/Part 2 -Individuals in Criminal Justice/Part 3 -Group Behavior in Criminal Justice/part 4 -Processes in Criminal Justice
Book: Criminal Justice Organizations: Administration and Management 6th Edition by Stan Stojkovic; David Kalinich; John Klofas and Publisher Cengage Learning.

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Reflection Paper: Worldview in Regard to Administration of Justice Organizations
Institutional Affiliate
Reflection Paper: Worldview in Regard to Administration of Justice Organizations
Criminal Justice organizations make for some of the most crucial entities in societies across the world through their pivotal roles in promoting the rule of law across the social, political, and economic dimensions of society. The criminal justice organizations exhibit unique features that reflect the underlying elements define both corporate and social organizations. Stojkovic, Kalinich, and Klofas (2014) provide a holistic overview on criminal justice organizations through detailed evaluation of the administrative and management structures of the same. The author’s work in Criminal Organizations: Administrations and Management create an effective platform for the understanding of the different management approaches or techniques embraced for different sectors of the criminal justice system and their efficacy in delivering their mandates.
Nature of Criminal Justice
Like corporate and social organizations, criminal justice organizations are social units structured for the purpose of ensuring the administration of justice by delivering their correctional mandates or responsibilities to society. The criminal justice organizations thrive on a systematic culture of administering justice through set legal provisions that dictate the interaction and integration of all the stakeholders involved in running the organizations CITATION Sto14 \l 1033 (Stojkovic, 2014). In essence, criminal justice organizations exist in controlled environments characterized by authoritative management techniques that dictate the daily operational activities within the organization. These organizations further exhibit a rigid system of operations with limited flexibility to change as they are guided by the legal stipulations formed by the policy makers within a given jurisdiction. The fact that criminal justice organizations function to achieve a set of specific goals further limit their flexibility to change as they are constrained to delivering the set mandates as dictated by the external forces responsible for developing the guiding principles that form the rigid cultural organizational structures.
Individuals in Criminal Justice
The interaction and integration of individuals within the criminal justice organizations is guided by the specific mandates assigned towards ensuring the delivery of the organization’s set objectives. The managers of criminal justice organizations, for instance, have to exercise effective leadership by adhering to the guiding principles of such entities. However, the efficacy of such leaders in carrying out their responsibilities is often dictated rigidity of the crimina...
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