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Making Quality Arguments On Career In Project Management

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Ashford 5: - Week 4 - Journal
Ashford University Assignment Submision Week 1 Journal
Week Four Journal
Reflect back about what you have learned in this course about how to construct high quality arguments for positions. Give an example of how the ability to construct good arguments could help you in your career or in your daily life. Also, in what ways will the skill of being able to evaluate the quality of reasoning better enable you to discover what is true and to make better choices? (Give a specific example of each).
Finally, consider the argument you have been developing for your writing assignments. How has considering objections helped you clarify your perspective? What might you add to your argument to make it more convincing in light of those objections? What points would you recommend that people keep in mind in order to be fair to both sides?
Your journal entry must be at least 250 words. You do not need to follow APA style for this journal entry, but you should proofread your work to eliminate errors of grammar and spelling.
Carefully review the Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.
In Ashford courses, there are two different ways to submit assignments for grading. Depending on the system the course utilizes, assignments will either be submitted via the classroom
Total Possible Score: 5.00
Total: 3.00
Distinguished - Responds with a thorough reflection that is related to all aspects of the journal prompt. Applies professional, personal, relevant prior knowledge, and/or other real-world experiences in a manner that is rich in thought and provides valuable insight into the topic. Analyzes preconceptions and biases by deconstructing elements of personal assumptions and synthesizes own awareness using new modes of thinking.
Proficient - Responds with a reflection that is related to almost all aspects of the journal prompt. Applies professional, personal, or other real-world experiences in a manner that provides valuable insight into the topic. Provides a limited analysis of preconceptions and biases and somewhat synthesizes own awareness using new modes of thinking.
Basic - Responds with a reflection that is related to most aspects of the journal prompt. Applies professional, personal, or other real-world experiences in a manner that provides limited insight into the topic but may not be wholly relevant to the journal prompt. Demonstrates self-reflection by identifying preconceptions or biases compared to new modes of thinking.
Below Expectations - Responds with a reflection that is related to some aspects of the journal prompt. Attempts to apply professional, personal, or other real-world experiences, but their relevance to the journal prompt is unclear. Self-reflection is vague and/or fails to relate to preconceptions or biases and new modes of thinking.
Non-Performance - The journal is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the assignment instructions.
Total: 1.00
Distinguished - Effectively communicates ideas or points in a logical and organized manner. Reflections are sophisticated and formulate wholly appropriate and pertinent connections between the journal topic and relevant prior knowledge.
Proficient - Communicates ideas or points in a manner that is mostly logical and organized. Reflections formulate appropriate connections between the journal topic and relevant prior knowledge.
Basic - Communicates ideas or points in a manner that demonstrates a limited understanding of content organization. Attempts to reflect upon journal topic, but the connections between the journal topic and prior knowledge are vague.
Below Expectations - Attempts to communicate ideas or points; however, the content organization is extremely limited. Fails to provide a reflection that connects the journal topic to prior knowledge.
Non-Performance - The journal is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the assignment instructions.
Total: 1.00
Distinguished - Journal contains no errors related to grammar, spelling, and sentence structure.
Proficient - Journal contains only a few minor errors related to grammar, spelling, and sentence structure, but they do not distract the reader from the content.
Basic - Journal contains a few errors related to grammar, spelling, and sentence structure, which slightly distract the reader from the content.
Below Expectations - Journal contains major errors related to grammar, spelling, and sentence structure, which distract the reader from the content.
Non-Performance - The journal is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the assignment instructions.

Other (Not Listed) Sample Content Preview:
Journal Entry
The core aspect learned about making quality arguments is the need to convince an individual or group that a position taken concerning a given subject is justified. A career in project management involves organizing and coordinating different minded groups of people, who have diversified ideas on how to approach situations. However, differences in opinions result in the growth of knowledge and improves on thinking, thus influencing decision making positively. An example of using strong argumentation in project management is when a group of employees believes that the best ways to complete multiple tasks easily are through subdivision of work. My argument would be that; it is better to work as a team and complete one project activity on time than start all the events and fail to complete them within the set period.
Through proper evaluations, I can effectively see the diverse points of views c...
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