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Conflict Resolution in the Workplace

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Assignment Instructions

Assignment 3 consists of four questions, worth 25 marks each. Your responses should be approximately 250–300 words for each question (1000–1250 words total).

Assignment Resources: The course learning resources are the only resources required for referring to theories and concepts in your answers. When referring to the textbook, use your own words (paraphrase), and cite your source via in-text citations. Include a References list at the end of your assignment document. If you use any other resources in the assignment, include these in your reference list and cite in the text as required. Use APA Style (7th ed.) for citations and references.

Format: To prepare your assignment document, copy the questions into a Word document and insert your responses directly below each question. Format your answer document with one-inch margins and use 12-point Times Roman font. Please single space all questions and answers.

Writing: Use clear, direct, structurally sound paragraphs and sentences in your responses. A well-structured paragraph contains an introductory (topic) sentence, supporting details in a few well-written sentences, and a closing sentence. Use a new paragraph whenever you introduce a new topic. Do not include diagrams, figures, bullets, or lists in your responses. Do not include appendices.


1.       After making the move to working virtually during the COVID-19 pandemic, your diverse team does not seem to be functioning as well as it did when you were all in the office. You believe that this is related to failures in communication. How will you improve communication within your team?

2.       Read Global Connections 11.2: Open Office, Hidden Conflict in your textbook (Chapter 11). You lead a team that works in a similar open office. Recently, two staff members each came to you with complaints about the other. One worker feels their co-worker is too noisy, while the other states that her co-worker does not respect her privacy and listens to all her phone calls. What will you do to resolve this workplace conflict?

3.       Your textbook suggests that extraversion is predictive of leadership success (see Chapters 1 and 12). Do you agree? Why or why not? Can you give an example of an introverted leader who has been successful? What might an introverted person contribute to the leadership role?

4.       You recognize that you prefer to work at an organization that has an adaptive culture. You are currently looking for a new job. How will you determine if the companies you interview with have an adaptive culture?

Other (Not Listed) Sample Content Preview:

Conflict Resolution
Student’s Name
Course Number and Name
Instructor’s Name
Conflict Resolution
Q1. After making the move to working virtually during the COVID-19 pandemic, your diverse team does not seem to be functioning as well as it did when you were all in the office. You believe that this is related to failures in communication. How will you improve communication within your team?
Since teamwork comprises a group of people who work together interdependently to achieve a common goal, the most ideal setting would be to work in the same office. However, owing to unavoidable circumstances, team members are sometimes constrained to work from different places. For instance, after the outbreak of COVID-19, which inevitably restricted people to their homes, many teams were forced to work virtually. Besides having a wide range of benefits, working remotely has its downsides that compromise or slow down team activities. One of the most prominent factors that tend to throw a spanner in the works of virtual teams is the deficiency of effective communication. Undeniably, communication is a crucial cog that gives significant traction to any given organization or team. Indeed, no organization or team can exist without effective communication since it forms the foundation for work units to synchronize their work (McShane et al., 2021). For effective communication to thrive, the receiver of a particular message must decipher it accurately, and this element tends to be lacking in virtual communication. To a considerable extent, this cripples team progress, which underscores the need to devise communication police and systems compatible with virtual work.
One fundamental strategy that I will apply is convening a meeting of all team members to thrash out the communication barriers. Since I have noted that members have disparate preferences for communication channels, we need to put our heads together and come up with a concrete solution. I am optimistic that involving them in making the critical decision will have optimum results since employee engagement enhances motivation (McShane et al., 2021). During the meeting, I will encourage the members to consider several components when choosing an appropriate communication channel. The components are synchronicity, social presence, social acceptance, and media richness.
Q2. Read Global Connections 11.2: Open Office, Hidden Conflict in your textbook
(Chapter 11). You lead a team that works in a similar open office. Recently, two staff members each came to you with complaints about the other. One worker feels their co-worker is too noisy, while the other states that her co-worker does not respect her privacy and listens to all her phone calls. What will you do to resolve this workplace conflict?
Conventionally, conflicts among employees are inevitable, given that they have diverse backgrounds and working styles but have to work toward a common goal. A wide range of factors combines to influence workplace place conflicts, including personality differences, poor communication, and competition or poor implementation of job descriptions, among many others (SHRM, 2023). In addition, many observers posit that open-plan offices fuel workplace confli...
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