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Biography of Princess Diana - The People's Princess

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Final Project Assignment
The purpose of this Final Project Assignment is for you to recognize human development and outcomes (e.g., developmental constructs, processes, milestones, and stages) through the lifespan of an influential person. You will describe this person’s
development through physical, cognitive, and social-emotional processes at various key periods of his or her development, and how their development is influenced by nature (genetics), nurture (environment), or both.
For this Final Project Assignment, you will read a biography about an individual of your choosing. Think about leaders, artists, composers, researchers, professors, and otherwise influential people, etc. The person you choose should be someone who has had an impact (positive or negative) on others and/or society.
This Final Project Assignment is a 6- to 8-page paper composed of three parts. These parts include: the Summary during Week 2, Part 1 during Week 7, and the Final Project submission during Week 10. Note: It is recommended that you begin reviewing the biography you chose starting at Week 2 and plan your time accordingly
To prepare for this Final Project Assignment:
 Select a biography (not an autobiography) of an influential person. Your selection must be one person and not a group of individuals.
 The biography should be written for adults and not children and cover the entire life of the individual.
 You must use an actual hardcover/paperback book or ebook (Note: Using or other websites as primary sources of information is not acceptable).
 You must include at least two theories from this course in your Final Project Assignment and discuss at least two of the three developmental processes (physical, social-emotional, and cognitive).
For Part 1 of your Final Project Assignment, you will examine human development in terms of nature/nurture influences of the influential person you chose. You will also explore the role of cognitive, physical, and social-emotional development/changes have played in the person's life. For the Final Project, you will only need to discuss two of the three processes.
Also, for this part of your Final Project Assignment, you will submit Part 1 to your Instructor to receive feedback. Note: No grade will be given for this submission; however, this submission is a requirement for the Final Project.
For Part 1 of the Final Project Assignment:
Begin the Final Project Assignment by writing a 3- to 4-page paper (Part 1), not including title page and references.
For Part 1 of the Final Project Assignment, explain the development and outcomes of the person's life through childhood in terms of the appropriate constructs, processes, and theories of development. Address as many of the relevant ages and stages as possible.
Part 1
DPSY 8215/6215: Lifespan Development
 Explain the person's life from prenatal development through childhood in terms of nature/nurture influences.
 Provide an analysis of the role cognitive, physical, and social-emotional development/changes have played in the person's life. Note: You must select two of the three processes to include in your paper.
 Include at least one theory that is relevant in describing the individual’s development.
Use proper APA format, citations, and referencing.
Submit your Part I of your Final Project Assignment by Day 7. Note: No grade will be given for this submission; however, this submission is a requirement for the Final Project.
Week 10: Final Submission
For this Final Project Assignment, you will complete a 6- to 8-page paper (including Parts 1 and 2), not including title page and references. You will incorporate and finalize the feedback you received from your Instructor on Part 1, and prepare your Final Project for submission.
For each of the following, explain the development and outcomes of the person's life in terms of the appropriate constructs, processes, and theories of development. Address as many of the relevant ages and stages as possible.
 Explain the person's life in terms of nature/nurture influences.
 Provide an analysis of the role cognitive, physical, and social-emotional development/changes played in the person's life. Note: You must select two of the three processes to include in your paper.
 Include at least one theory that is relevant in describing the individual’s development.
 Explain major developmental events, phases, and turning points in the person's life with developmental theories that best explain each. Include a brief description of each developmental theory and use as many as is fitting. You must include at
least two theories from this course in your Final Project Assignment.
 Explain the impact of diversity* on the person's life (success, lack of success, struggles, challenges, decisions, etc.).
*Diversity includes characteristics and factors such as gender, race, ethnicity, culture, socioeconomic status, religion, sexual orientation, and physical ability.
DPSY 8215/6215: Lifespan Development
Diversity characteristics are distinct from adversity, which refers to hardship or misfortune.
Use proper APA format, citations, and referencing.
Submit your Final Project Assignment by Day 7.

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Biography of an Influential Person
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Biography of an Influential Person
Princess Diana, also known as the People’s Princess, was a member of the royal family. She was born on July 1st, 1961, and died on August 31st, 1997, following injuries from a car crash in France. (The Royal, n.d.). Many biographies have been written about her since her death. She is one of the most influential royal family members and is known for her charity work around the world, especially with her works with children and people living with HIV/Aids. People from all walks of life attended her charity events. The princess was also known for her charm and sense of style. Her work of charity still continues and is administered by her two sons. This essay will analyze the life development of Diana Spencer, based on the biography written by Tim Clayton and Phil Craig. 
Explain the Person's Life in Terms Of Nature/Nurture Influences.
The discussions of nature versus nurture evolve on whether human behavior is determined by the environment or by a person’s genetic makeup. The nurture aspect is the influence on a person after conception, while nature is genetic and seen as pre-wiring (Zaky, 2015). The nature and nurture debate are used as a theory to explain why people behave the way they do and the successes some people experience while others with similar qualities and experiences do not. There are strong proponents for and against each theory. With advancement in gene technology and better research methods, there is more insight on the influence of either nature and nurture on human behavior. It is hard to determine the behavior of people whether they are influenced by nature or nature. Depending on which branch of psychology one subscribes to, there is evidence to support either nurture or nature when it comes to understanding human behavior. While it is difficult to conduct experiments on human beings to determine which theory is stronger, studies on twins and adoptions behavior in children give insight into the influence of nature and nurture and human development.
The Princess of Wales was born to Frances Roche and Edward John Spenser, Viscount Althorp as the third and youngest daughter. Her father was the Earl of Spencer a title he inherited after the death of his father (Clayton & Craig, 2003). Her grandmother was a lady in waiting to Elizabeth the first, the Queen Mother. The princess was raised close to the royal family and constantly interacted with the royal children. In addition, she was a natural blonde and was considered a beautiful young lady. She was tall had blue eyes and blonde hair. The nature aspect of her life was her natural features and her ancestry being in the noble families that are often close to the royal family. These gave her the opportunity to combine nature and nurture to her advantage. The nature of the monarch is such that the noble are the ones who will interact with the monarch constantly.
Her father took custody of the children after the parents divorced when she was six years old (Clayton & Craig, 2003). Though her father remarried, she was raised by her nanny and attended boardin...
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