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Mental Health Crisis for Physicians in the United States and the Effects of Childhood Trauma

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Please respond to the two posts. The responses to each post should:
Posts are substantive: They further the conversation with peers.
1.5 page for each response
3 references each for a total of 6
Begin each response with kind words about their research interest.
Be sure to include the following grading guidelines in each response.
· Provides additional resources
· Connects accurately to key concepts
· Shares professional experiences
· Contributes new information or perspective
· Presents a competing viewpoint
Be sure that for each post, you comment on each research topic (2 topics) that they suggest and also on the qualities of committee members that they wrote about.
Post 1
Hello ___ and fellow learners. I am pleased to join you for this next step in our doctoral journey.
I am considering two topics for my doctoral project. The first is to explore the mental health crisis for physicians in the United States. This topic is of interest to me for a few reasons. One, it is a growing concern in this country that has significant societal implications. Kalmoe et al. (2019) report that burnout and mental illness are epidemics in licensed physicians and medical school students. Keep in mind that their study is reporting on data before the pandemic. COVID-19 put a tremendous amount of stress on the healthcare system and those that work in it. So, this epidemic has only been exacerbated. In that same study, they reported that medical residents with depression are 6.2 times more likely to make a medical error than non-depressed residents. They also note that physicians have a relatively high suicide rate compared to the general public. Caring for our physicians' mental health is public service, in my opinion. An additional reason this topic interests me is that I am close friends with several medical professionals. In particular, one friend told me that the mental health support programs are woefully inadequate for the staff at her hospital. She works as an OB-GYN and shared with me that in the unfortunate event that a baby dies during childbirth, the medical staff is expected to move on to the next patient - there is no discussion or processing afterward with the staff. Then they just show up to work the next day with all that left-over trauma from the prior day. She indicates there is a real fear that seeking mental health treatment will adversely impact her malpractice insurance fees or ability to get hired at other hospitals in the future. This seems wrong to me. Mihailescu and Neiterman (2019) report that barriers to physicians seeking mental health care include negative consequences for acknowledging their own mental illness, such as losing their license, hospital privileges, or career advancement. Clearly, something needs to change in this regard.
The second topic I am considering researching is the phenomenon known as “failure to launch.” For those unfamiliar with the term, it refers to seemingly capable young adults continuing to be dependent on their parents. I would classify this as young adults without children who chronically do not work or attend college and still live at home with their parents. My definition includes those college students who perpetually underperform and fail their classes. A common denominator for all these young adults is that their parents want them to be more independent than they are. There are cultural factors I may need to tease out further in this definition. In my private practice, I generally work with adolescents and college students. I often see internal family strife when failure to launch is happening. Lebowitz (2016) reports that young adults failing to function independently get overwhelmed by adult tasks. They have high rates of anxiety and struggle with shame as they compare themselves to their peers. Undoubtedly, higher costs of living have contributed to this phenomenon, so it is not something that is going away anytime soon. Finding interventions for both individuals and families is something that is of great importance and something I find interesting.
There are a few qualities I am looking for in a committee chair and members. First, do they have an interest in my topic? Not only will I be spending a year or more on this topic, but so will they. So hopefully, it will be something that holds their interest as well. Next is if they have some experience in the topic. They do not need to be an expert but should have some scope of the problem I am exploring. Lastly, I want people who are collaborative and supportive. This is so important to me. I do not need to be best friends with my chair and committee, but I do want a supportive, safe, and warm relationship.
I invite any comments and feedback regarding my proposals. I value any insights you may have or anything you see that I may want to consider. I really appreciate any help you can provide.
Kalmoe, M. C., Chapman, M. B., Gold, J. A., & Giedinghagen, A. M. (2019). Physician suicide: a call to action. Missouri medicine, 116(3), 211.
Lebowitz, E. R. (2016). “Failure to launch”: Shaping intervention for highly dependent adult children. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 55(2), 89.
Mihailescu, M., & Neiterman, E. (2019). A scoping review of the literature on the current mental health status of physicians and physicians-in-training in North America. BMC Public Health, 19, 1-8.
Post 2
Choosing a focus can be challenging, especially when multiple areas spark interest. As it stands, there are two distinct research topics that I am considering:
Research Topic 1: The Impact of Childhood Trauma on Adult Attachment Styles and Relationship Satisfaction
Childhood trauma's long-lasting effects, especially how it influences adult attachment styles and relationship satisfaction, captivate me. Research consistently shows that those who have experienced childhood trauma often develop insecure attachment styles, such as anxious or avoidant attachment, which can interfere with forming and maintaining healthy relationships, ultimately impacting satisfaction. A significant study by Zamir, O. (2022) found a significant relationship between childhood trauma, adult attachment styles, and overall relationship quality. In another recent study, Krakau L. et al. (2021) discussed the correlations between childhood maltreatment, attachment, and mental health outcomes. Delving into how childhood trauma influences attachment patterns and affects relationship satisfaction can lead to targeted interventions that assist individuals with trauma histories in developing healthier attachment styles and boost their overall well-being.
Research Topic 2: Unraveling the Link between Emotional Intelligence and Leadership Effectiveness
Effective leadership is a crucial factor in my field, given its pivotal role in driving organizational success. The research explores the connection between emotional intelligence (EI) and leadership effectiveness. Emotional intelligence includes managing one's emotions, and studies consistently suggest that leaders with higher levels of emotional intelligence tend to exhibit more positive leadership behaviors, including effective communication, conflict resolution, and team management. Their followers often view them as charismatic and influential. A study by Sembiring, N.(2020) substantiated the positive correlation between emotional intelligence and leadership outcomes, including employee job satisfaction and organizational performance. Another paper by Haass, O., Akhavan, P., Miao, Y., Soltani, M., Jan, T., & Azizi, N. (2023) examines emotional intelligence's profound impact on leadership effectiveness, asserting that emotionally intelligent leaders are likelier to foster a positive work environment. Investigating the influence of emotional intelligence on leadership effectiveness can contribute to the creation of tailored leadership development programs and promote positive work environments.
Concerning the composition of the committee chair and members, the following qualities are paramount:
Domain Specialists: Committee members must possess profound expertise and knowledge in specific research topics or related areas. Their understanding of childhood trauma, adult attachment, relationship dynamics, emotional intelligence, and effective leadership will provide crucial guidance and support throughout the doctoral journey.
Inspirational Guides: Choosing committee members recognized for their visionary approach to mentorship is essential. They should inspire and guide doctoral students by creating an environment of curiosity, exploration, and growth.
Research Gurus: Committee members should have exceptional methodological expertise relevant to the research topics. Their proficiency in research design, data collection, and analysis methods will ensure the research's precision, rigor, and integrity.
Cross-Disciplinary Innovators: Committee members should have diverse disciplinary backgrounds and specializations. This diversity will inject vibrant interdisciplinary perspectives into the research process, fostering a comprehensive understanding of the topics and generating novel insights.
Collaborative Nurturers: The committee should include nurturing individuals who embody a collaborative spirit. These members should promote an environment of trust, support, and constructive feedback, making for a positive and encouraging research journey.
Harmonious Visionaries: Committee members should align with the research vision and be able to collaborate synergistically. The committee should consist of individuals who harmonize well with each other, fostering an atmosphere of intellectual stimulation, creative exchange, and shared goals.
Haass, O., Akhavan, P., Miao, Y., Soltani, M., Jan, T., & Azizi, N. (2023). Organizational citizenship behaviour on organizational performance: A knowledge-based organization. Knowledge Management & E-Learning, 15(1), 85.
Krakau, L., Tibubos, A. N., Beutel, M. E., Ehrenthal, J. C., Gieler, U., & Braehler, E. (2021). Personality functioning as a mediator of adult mental health following child maltreatment. Journal of affective disorders, 291, 126-134.
Sembiring, N., Nimran, U., Astuti, E. S., & Utami, H. N. (2020). The effects of emotional intelligence and organizational justice on job satisfaction, caring climate, and criminal investigation officers’ performance. International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 28(5), 1113-1130.
Zamir, O. (2022). Childhood maltreatment and relationship quality: A review of a type of abuse and mediating and protective factors. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, 23(4), 1344-1357.

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Post 1
Greetings! I was hooked when I read about your research interests and the two topics you are contemplating for your doctorate research. The topics are timely and cover significant issues in our society. I admire your drive to investigate the mental health crisis among physicians in the United States. Indeed, the pandemic exacerbated mental health problems and burnout among healthcare professionals. The pandemic has frightened medical experts about the lives of others and their own. The high volume of patients seen daily has also contributed to their burnout.
I recommend a resource to help you better comprehend the mental health pandemic among physicians. The study “Depression, Suicidal Thoughts, and Burnout Among Physicians During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Survey-Based Cross-Sectional Study” (Al-Humadi et al., 2021) finds a significant prevalence of depression, suicidal thoughts, and burnout among physicians during the pandemic. Furthermore, the article “Professional Stigma of Mental Health Issues: Physicians Are Both the Cause and Solution” discusses the professional stigma associated with mental health disorders among physicians and the barriers to obtaining treatment (Brower, 2021).
Regarding your second topic, the occurrence of “failure to launch” among young adults is a complex issue with serious implications for individuals and families. I admire your intention to look at interventions for individuals and families dealing with this issue. The article “Parent training for dependent, yet abled, young adults” may provide useful information about parent training, which may be an effective intervention for the “failure to launch” phenomenon (Berger & Lebowitz, 2022).
Furthermore, your concerns about your committee members are well-founded. It is essential to have committee members that share your interests and goals. Their skills and expertise will be beneficial throughout your research journey. In addition, finding a supportive and collaborative committee is essential for creating a pleasant and conducive environment for your research work.
However, for your first topic, consider inviting a clinician or researcher specializing in physician mental health, such as a psychiatrist or psychologist who has worked extensively with healthcare workers. Furthermore, having committee members with experience in developmental psychology or family systems theory would be useful for your second topic. The committee’s skills and knowledge may be useful for the overall study.
In all, your research interests are remarkable, and your proposed topics have the potential to make significant contributions to the discipline. Your research can contribute greatly to addressing the mental health issue among physicians and exploring solutions for young adults experiencing the "failure to launch" phenomenon by assessing additional resources and utilizing the knowledge of committee members with relevant experience. Good luck on your journey, and I look forward to your research's outcomes!
Post 2
I admire your research interests and the two interesting topics you are considering for your&n...
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