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Theory of Inventive Problem-Solving

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My topic is Theory of Inventive Problem-Solving (TRIZ). I need an outline of the literature review first, and then the paper in 7 days. I had an approved Literature Review REFERENCE PAGE attached. Thank you!
Literature Review
Each student will complete their own 10 content page, APA formatted, literature review on one of the topics provided. A minimum of 12 peer-reviewed, academic references found in either PsychInfo or PsychArticles are to be used. Be careful to use cognitive psychology references and not Sociology, Philosophy, Education or Social Work.

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Literature Review on Theory of Inventive Problem-Solving
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Literature Review on Theory of Inventive Problem-Solving
According to Belski (2009), instructing thinking and crisis solving skills are essential in numerous professions. The research shows that colleges failed to enhance these skills appropriately. In this survey, Belski indicated that learners' view of their strengths and abilities pertaining to problem tackling changed rapidly due to problems shown in the course (Belski, 2009). Furthermore, students were not fully informed on how to use practical tools in problem-solving situations. This result was further reinforced by Dumas, Schmidt, and Alexander’s (2016) study, where they found that students faced problems within inventive problem-solving situations (Dumas, Schmidt, & Alexander, 2016).
Nevertheless, Belski noted that the Theory of Inventive Problem-Solving (TRIZ) thinking tools influenced students' abilities in trouble tackling more than any subjected-based courses, thus indicating enrichment strategy is superior over infusion (Belski, 2009). Dumas, Schmidt, and Alexander (2016) examined predictive problem solving in engineering design in their recent study. Their study used to diverge thinking, available memory, and rational reasoning as cognitive abilities aiming to foreshadow CPS in engineering plan used by both students who studied how to use TRIZ strategy prior to and after graduation. During the research study, students who were doing master's engineering design and were required to apply a creative approach to solve task problems. The researchers made a careful comparison in the student's scores before and after giving them instruction. They discovered that students produced few plan ideas after TRIZ instruction compared to the situation before directives were given (Dumas, Schmidt, & Alexander, 2016). Moreover, Dumas, Schmidt, and Alexander conducted their investigation in the order of linear regression forms. They discovered that rational reasoning is the largest foreshadower concerning the originality of plans for both prior and after TRIZ orders (Dumas, Schmidt, & Alexander, 2016).
Caner, Cohen, and Pil (2017) research examined a firm’s heterogeneity within a multifaceted problem resolution context with a central focus on intervention’s knowledge-based perspectives. Caner and colleagues indicated that knowledge-centered perspectives communicate the capacity to solve complex problems in hierarchical organizational government (Caner, Cohen, & Pil, 2017). This reiterated the findings by Chai, Zhang, and Tan (2005), who found that in cooperating TRIZ design as a tool in solving challenges and its knowledge base. In this context, the authors get a better chance to recommend a new TRIZ strategy to address this challenge with regard to the service designing process (Chai, Zhang, & Tan, 2005). The researcher investigated the importance of the TRIZ process in problem-solving to improve users' ability to discuss non-technical problems such as increasing the rate of change, developing new technologies, and dramatically accelerating competition (Bowyer, 2008).
Within this framework, Caner and colleagues investigated why firms ...
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