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Outline. Refugees and Crime Rate. Social Sciences

Other (Not Listed) Instructions:

You should submit a complete outline for the paper you are going to write. Please find attached a copy of a sample. As you see in the outline, you must write a complete thesis and complete topic sentences. Every thig else is point form with reference or the strategy you are using to support your argument. Please note you are NOT to write an introduction. You should only submit an outline.

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Refugees and Crime Rate
Refugees and Crime Rate
* Introduction
* Topic: Do the upcoming refugees in Canada increase the crime rate in the country?
* Intro: The impact of refugees on the national security of Canada.
* Thesis: The upcoming refugees in Canada do not contribute to the increased rate of criminal activities in the country.
* Body Paragraph’s Topic sentences
1 The upcoming refugees take some time before settling in the new environment and they have a significant purpose of achieving their desires and dreams after familiarization with the new life in Canada.
* These individuals do not have the capacity of concentrating on criminal activities since they still behold the impact of the tattered desires in the occurrence of calamities like a war in their motherlands.
* The refugees must have distinct goals of utilizing the opportunity of being in a peaceful environment to improve their lives and achieve various anticipated goals like accessing education.
* The fact that the Canadian government supports immigrants and refugees through a provision of monthly allowances to sustain their lives before they adapt to the environment and acquire other means of sustenance proves that they do not have any reason to indulge in criminal activities and the allegations are false.
* Quotation from (Barsky, 2017).
2 The Refugee and Immigration Protection Act (IRPA) resettlement program helps refugees to ensure they settle familiarize themselves with the new environment without facing any challenges in issues like safety.
* The IRPA fosters security to the Canadian society and the refugees are not an exception since the government has already offered to support their settling in the country
* On the other hand, the safety of the community starts with an inspection process of the refugees to restrict any individuals with a history in criminal activities from entering the country and ensure that all settled refugees do not pose any challe...
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