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The San Antonio Aids Foundation

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This needs to be 9 pages not including the title and references page
The agency I what to do research on - "San Antonio AIDS Foundation",
I need all questions answered, please do not make ANY information up.
Interview Guide III-ASOs
Even though you should have created some of your own questions based on gaps in services from your individual interview with a person living with or impacted by HIV/AIDS, here are some additional questions for the interviews with representatives from at least three Latino-serving AIDS Service Organizations (ASOs). Remember to choose one of the three to write about.
Can you describe your client population?
How many Latinos does your organization serve? What is the breakdown in terms of percentages? Does this match the city’s ethnic breakdown?
Does your organization provide bilingual/bicultural services for Latinos? 
How many workers at your agency speak Spanish? If none, then does your organization provide translation services?
How many social workers on your staff?
How do you identify culturally competent services for Latino clients?
Give me an example of one of your Latino-focused interventions?
Do your services include families of people living with HIV/AIDS?
Do you provide educational material for your clients in both English and Spanish?
What is the organizational structure of the ASOs you visited?
What is the leadership style of the person you interviewed?
Name a theory from your readings that can apply to the agency you chose to write about.
Can you describe at least one of the NASW Code of Ethics standards that can be applied to the agency you chose to write about?
List other observations that you may find consistent with the profession of social work.
Other specific instructions for this assignment include the following:
Students will identify three Latino-serving AIDS Service Organizations in the community and choose one to write your paper on
Students will identify a problem that the organization is experiencing in providing effective services to Latinos-at-risk for HIV/AIDS
Students will state the problem as perceived by stakeholders and as perceived by the student
Students will identify the target for intervention, the client system, and the action system.
Students will perform a mini assessment on an ASO
Students will identify short term and long term goals in addressing the problem
Students will identify an intervention plan including strategies to be undertaken, a timeline, and responsible parties
Students will develop and present an evaluation plan to measure achievement of short term and long term goals
Students will describe how this plan is culturally relevant for the Latino population served by the ASO
Students will determine the ethical responsibility they have in writing about their findings
Students will develop professional skills when contacting the ASO and its representatives in order to complete this assignment
Call me if you have any questions. 

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The San Antonio Aids Foundation
Course title:
There are myriads of socio economic problems ailing the humanity especially in the modern times. One of the threatening such problems is the HIV aids that has claimed many lives in the world over. The old and the young alike have not been spared by this mind boggling disease that has threatened to wipe humanity. In the midst of the threats presented by HIV Aids, there have been some foundations oriented towards helping the infected as well as the affected people. One of such organizations is the San Antonio Aids Foundation. This paper discusses the deliberations of this crucial foundation in offering support to the Latinos infected and affected by HIV Aids.
San Antonio Aids Foundation
San Antonio Aids Foundation is an organization that offers support related to health matters especially to those affected and infected by HIV Aids. Its origin can be traced to the works of Edwards. This man, who preferred to be referred to as ‘papa bear’ or simply bear, started the San Antonio Aids foundation in the late 70s. At first, it was intended to cater for the gay men who were sick and dying of HIV aids without anyone offering any assistance. This man had a gay son who encouraged him to open a gay bar. With his commitment to the San Antonio engagements in offering support to the AIDS infected, he could no longer find time to attend to his business. He therefore closed it down to give full attention to the foundation. This foundation has a structure involving the executive director who is the head. There is the senior director and the regional directors too.
One theory that is very much applicable to the San Antonio Aids foundation is the socialist foundation. This theory is oriented to the mindfulness of the welfare of the others. It is very much opposed to individualism whereby; one cares for their needs and those of their close families. At San Antonio Aids Foundation, there is care for the well being of the others because; the workers there are determined to see the wellbeing of those that are infected and affected with HIV Aids. It is crucial to note that, San Antonio also offers services for other ailments besides the HIV Aids. For instance, there are services for testing other STDs such as gonorrhea. Only that HIV Aids is given primary attention. This follows the danger that is posed by his killer disease and also the stigma that is associated with it.
Concerning the interviewed person, A leadership style was forthright is that of democracy. The leader interviewed at the San Antonio Aids Foundation denoted democracy in the sense of the talk. He kept asking on my opinion and this led to the conclusion that he must also be executing the same kind of leadership in the running of the organization.
The NASW code of ethics that is applicable to this agency is social justice. The San Antonio Aids Foundation orients to the realization of justice to every individual regardless of their status. The social justice at this agency is not restricted by social, economic or even political boundaries. It is this social justice as a NASW code of ethics that sees that San Antonio Aids Foundation extents its services even to th...
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