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2 pages/β‰ˆ550 words
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Social Sciences
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English (U.S.)
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Youth Engagement: After School Tutoring

Other (Not Listed) Instructions:

First, share your previous experiences of civic engagement, or volunteering. Describe the identity groups and community that were supported by your efforts. How were they served? If you worked with a specific organization, be sure to mention them and give them some recognition. What types of experiences did you engage in? What did you get out of it? Do you recommend the experience to others?
Second, in preparation for the final project complete the following:
Choose a social issue from the list provided that is experienced in your community:
Youth Engagement [Children] – Hunger and Meals, After School, Tutoring, Arts & Music
Build a defense of why this is an important social issue in your community that needs addressing by completing the following steps:
Perform a Google search of the internet to find what Government and local data is available on the issue or the group of people it affects. Does it affect a subgroup of people more than others? [For example: youth, elders, different races, cultures or genders?]. Take note of the data you find.
Perform a Google search of the internet of community and political groups [Republican, Democrat, Green Party, etc...] which address this issue in their platform. What do they have to say? What are their perspectives?
Find 4 scholarly articles from the University of Arizona Global Campus Library in which the social issue is generally discussed.
Report this data fully in your paper/proposal.
Some of theinformation you gather may be in data form. Here are some examples of how data can be presented in your paper/proposal:
A table of all the variables you found (if you select this option, please do not copy and paste tables from the website. Rather, create your own table with all of your variables).
[Choose - Insert/Table in MS Word; add as many columns and rows as you like]:
Location: [examples] San Diego, Kern County, etc…

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Tutoring services date back to ancient times when scholars would meet with their peers to study various philosophies. Tutoring is an activity in which a teacher or instructor focuses on a child or a small group of children to assist them in various areas of learning. Furthermore, tutoring has been shown to improve a student’s academic performance. (Nickow et al., 2020). With the flourishing tutorial services industry and its benefits, more parents were encouraged to enroll their children. However, in some cases, tutorial services are a form of discrimination against parents who cannot afford to send their children to private tutorial services and an additional expense too; moreover, tutorial services have been found to cause additional academic stress to students (Zhang & Bray, 2021). Given the benefits and drawbacks of tutoring, it is still critical that students, particularly early graders, receive additional academic support from tutors.
Different institutions offer tutorial services. Private institutions, academies, universities, and volunteer groups provide tutorial services. I have already participated and volunteered in tutoring services catering to children ages 4 to 7. The children were those who lived near the residential area, and their ages were critical because a child needed to learn the most basic yet most important lesson at that time. The subjects include literacy, numeracy, and art. The lessons and activities include reading, writing, coloring, painting, counting numbers, and performing operations such as addition and subtraction. The tables, chairs, learning materials, and snacks were arranged outside a friend’s house, and since there were not enough funds, donation drives were done to help the children. This initiative lasted six weeks because the children also needed to enjoy their vacation. The experience was both surreal and rewarding. The children were all determined to learn and eager to complete their tasks. The children also looked forward to each session because they wanted to meet new friends and playmates. This activity provid...
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