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Applied Exercise: McDonald’s vs Burger King Business Essay

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For this assignment, you will be asked to conduct research on how brands/companies within the same industry differentiate themselves from each other.
Just answer three questions


Applied Exercise #3



For this assignment, you will be asked to conduct research on how brands/companies within the same industry differentiate themselves from each other.  


Specifically, companies/brands that sell similar products/offerings spend a lot of money making sure that consumers see their brand as different or unique from the rest of the pack.  Your assignment is to do online research on companies competing within one of the following industries, and make an educated guess how 3 of them differentiate themselves from each other in consumers’ eyes.





1)    Most companies will have on their webpage a section that describes their origins, mission statement, and/or slogan.  Usually you can access it by following an “About us,” “History”, or “our story”- named link from the company’s homepage.  If you compare the text from each company’s webpages, you may be able to get hints about how each company positions itself compared to the competition. 


Use the space below to take notes on what you notice about different brands’ websites. 







2)    If you have ever been a customer at one or more of these establishments, you may have noticed differences between the brick and mortar (physical) retail spaces.  Do you notice different target segments shopping there? Use the space below to take notes on any observed differences between retail spaces for each company.









3)    Use the space below to jot notes on any other observed differences between the companies.  For example, do they stress different things in advertisements? Are similar products priced differently?

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Applied Exercise: McDonald’s vs Burger King
1 If you compare the text from each company’s webpages, you may be able to get hints about how each company positions itself compared to the competition.
While looking at McDonald’s, one notices the idea of consistency. As indicated on their website, Ray Kroc sought to sell food that tasted the same regardless of one’s position or city. The quality had to be the same, and so was the method of preparation. On the other hand, Burger King sought for quality and great taste. Their website emphasizes on premium ingredients and signature recipes as what sets them apart.
2 If you have ever been a customer at one or more of these establishments, you may have noticed differences between the brick and mortar (physical) retail spaces. Do you notice different target segments shopping there?
Yes, there are different target segments for McDonald’s and Burger King. While at McDonald’s, families are highly likely to frequent the restaurant. Ove...
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