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Abortion should be legal

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I want a 5 paragraphs essay that have introduction, 3 body paragraphs, and conclusion by supporting “Abortion should be legal”. Thank you!

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Topic: Abortion should be Legal
In 2008, approximately 86 million had unplanned pregnancies. The consequences of unplanned pregnancies vary depending on the health of the woman her relationship with the family, the economic resources the woman is endowed with, and the availability and accessibility of medical care CITATION Cen11 \p 1 \l 1033 (Center for Reproductive Rights 1). These including other factors influence a woman's decision on whether to abortion or keep the pregnancy. Due to such complexities, the pregnant woman is the only person with the ability to make such a decision CITATION Cen11 \p 1 \l 1033 (Center for Reproductive Rights 1).
The legalization of abortion is by far among the most controversial public policies globally. Referring to the 1973 Supreme Court's decision made on the Roe v. Wade this led to abortion legalization in the United States. Cohort studies of the children born before and after the 1973 policy conclude that the availability of abortion has increased the socioeconomic outcomes of the children born after introduction of the policy CITATION Mit11 \p 2 \l 1033 (Mitrut and Wolff 2). These children had less likelihood of living with a single parent, living in poverty, less likely to die as infants, commit crimes, use controlled substances in their teens, and lower teen childbirth out of wedlock CITATION Mit11 \p 2 \l 1033 (Mitrut and Wolff 2).
Gender equality rights are fundamental principles to human rights law. All human rights instruments demand freedom from discrimination in the enjoyment of the human rights. According Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women Convention, discrimination directed towards women includes laws have the effect or purpose of preventing women from enjoying her rights and freedoms CITATION Cen11 \p 3 \l 1033 (Center for Reproductive Rights 3). Preventing women from accessing abortion is considered to be gender dis...
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