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Rhetorical Analysis Questions

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This is the same reading as the modest proposal essay, the rhetorical analysis paper, though I found a clearer copy.

1)     Discuss the role of CONTEXT in advertising, politics, and academic writing for this class.

2)     How have the readings for this class exposed and helped you identify IDEOLOGICAL CRITICISM? What is the role of assumptions in the critical process?

3)     Define INDUCTIVE and DEDUCTIVE reading. Give examples.

4)     What issues does graffiti generally address? How has the role of graffiti changed over time, and why might it have changed?

5)     Define visual rhetoric and explain its differences to textual rhetoric.

6)     In the section “Feminist rhetorical criticism”, by Adrienne Crump, summarize the author’s explanation of how the effects of language use and choice , how rhetoric, in used to create and maintain social constructions of gender.


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Rhetorical Analysis Questions
Rhetorical Analysis Questions
1 Context determines the medium and language for communicating the message. The message must be adapted to the context by making it relevant to the audience. Context can also influence the way a text is interpreted. For instance, using the term “nigger” in a multi-racial society like the U.S. can be viewed as a racist remark, while in another context, say in an African nation, it can be seen as an every-day insult.
2 The class readings have exposed me to ideological criticism through readings that promote or are informed by different ideologies. This exposure has helped me understand how to interpret texts by referring to their historical setting and the prevailing socio-economic, political, and religious beliefs or practices. For instance, Jonathan Swift's “A Modest Proposal” reflects the socio-economic conditions in Ireland and her political relations with Britain in the early 18th century.
3 Inductive reasoning is the making of generalizing claims based on specific personal experiences. Examples:
* My friend ...
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