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Cross-Cultural Competency

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This is a Journal please ensure to answer the following questions because I only have 14 hours to submit and I will not have time for a revision: Question 1: Reflecting back on our second assigned reading, “Cross Culture: The Lewis Model” (Richard D. Lewis, revised edition 2000), answer the following question (in paragraph form). Describe two things you learned about yourself (personal values, beliefs, behaviors, or norms), in light of your Lewis cultural category survey results (linear-active, multi-active, or reactive). Question 2: Reflecting back on our second assigned reading, “Cross Culture: The Lewis Model” (Richard D. Lewis, revised edition 2000), answer the following question (in paragraph form). Reflect on and describe how the knowledge you gained in today's class will affect you or military operations.
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Cross-cultural Competency Name: Institutional Affiliation: Cross-cultural Competency Lewis model and personal values, norms, behaviors, beliefs and personal values The analysis of Lewis model profiles, reactive, multi-active and linear-active has helped me to understand my cultural profile (Lewis R., 2000). Lewis classification of cultural profiles has enabled me to circle the characteristics of the profile that best describes my cultural fit with regards to personal norms, values, and beliefs. It has traits of each profile that are clear in indicating personal cultural stands and have a better picture of oneself as compared to other cultures in which one works, lives or travels. My personality details have been listed in the profiles, and I can pinpoint from the list of Lewis’s proposed traits from every profile as compared to my cultural background. For the reflection of cultural origin and my cultural behavior, I normally like to engage in dialogues that are slow-paced as they give me enough time to mirror on the contents in the dialogue. Such an understanding and drawing a conclusion from Lewis profile reveals that I am placed under the reactive culture. The other point of convergence between Lewis’s cultural profiles with my personal values is the desire to coexist in coherence with other people. It is also a common quality of reactive culture. Furthermore, I have charismatic connections and personalities, and Lewis models link that culture with multi-actives who yearn for status through the possession of such personality traits. Therefore, the overview of the Lewis model has revealed the difference and similarities between my culture and other cultures. I can conclude from the Lewis model that cultural understanding is a collection of shared behaviors, customs, values and beliefs which are the key artifacts in coping with other people and the world. Lewis model and military operations In the case study of the Paldora military operation, it can be ...
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