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2 pages/≈550 words
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Discussion Forum for a Social Work Class

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This is an assignment for a social work class, you are required to write a reflection on one of the readings and then comments on two students' reflections. (reflection is around 250 words and then comments on each students around 100 words. total is around 550 words. No reference needed)
I've attached the readings(choose one reading to reflect), syllabus and classmates' post.

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              Discussion Forum for a Social Work Class       Student Name Instructor Name Institutional Affiliation Course Number and Name Due Date  
Discussion Forum for a Social Work Class Although I interacted with different articles this week, A Drama Project About Older People’s Intimacy and Sexuality by Hafford-Letchfield et al. (2010) distinguished itself through its unique confrontation of older people’s sexuality. The dramatization approach adopted by the authors was particularly a motivating element that drew my interest to this article compared to others. The technique enabled me to visualize the interactions with the elderly as a social worker and learn about the nuances of their sexuality, something that I had never imagined. This interactive method enabled the authors to deconstruct numerous misconceptions and dispel many fears I have been acquiring about getting old. I had become used to the claims that I need to enjoy my youth as much as possible because sexual boredom is commonplace in older age. However, Hafford-Letchfield et al. (2010) demonstrate that such popular arguments are bias-induced and that the sexual needs of this population continue to be minimized in societies. Their comprehensive exploration of the limitless opportunities for older people to enjoy sex life with appropriate social assistance has widened my perspectives about this topic.             The concepts elucidated in this article have significantly contributed to my continued understanding of the value of psychosexual life cycle awareness for social workers in clinical practice. Being adequately versed with the sexuality dynamics and aging is an essential feature for social workers to engage the elderly and assist them in dispelling many myths to enjoy quality life experiences, including sexual confidence. The learnings in this article remind me about Yarber and Sayad (2018) that sexuality is critical in all age groups. It also enabled me to ground the calls by Hertlein et al. (2019) for an intersystem approach to unravel sexuality challenges and assist individuals in progressing towards optimu...
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